Units/Student Affairs

Students' Affairs
Most tertiary institutions are as concerned with the formal aspects as much as they are with the informal. This explains why the Ignatius Ajuru University of Education awards certificates not just on the basis of excellent learning of what is contained in the curricular, but also on significant extra curricula domain which has to do with character, thus the magic words are worthy in Character and Learning boldly written on the certificates issued to graduates of most tertiary institutions.
Incidentally, most aspects of the informal education and the extra-curricular activities of students fall on the laps of the Student Affairs Department, usually charged with or expected to perform regular functions. This department provides direction, guidance and encouragement on extra-curricular activities and services, including all aspects of life in halls of residence. Students also receive valuable assistance from this Unit on different matters including:
- Orientation for Fresh Students
- Hostel Accommodation allocation
- Hostel Services and Management
- Students Associations Registration
- Student Union Government Elections
- Student Union Government Elections –Executive, Parliament & Hall Governors
- Counseling and Career Services
- Special services for Students with Special Needs
- Regulations and protection of students rights
- Computerization of Students’ Records
- Issuance of Clearance to graduating Students
- Audio Visual Services
- Assisting Students in Deferment/Withdrawal Processes
- Secretarial services
- Students disciplinary matters and
- Security of Life and Property
The Dean of students who steers the affairs of the department becomes number one student who forms a link between the university administration and students’ Union Government.
In order to maintain peace and encourage extra-curricular development outside classrooms experience, students are permitted to belong to any registered associations/clubs approved by the university administration/Dean of Student on meeting the prescribed requirements.
Although the primary duty of providing security to life and property of students and staff alike within the University premises is that of the Security Department, there is an extension of this responsibility by the Dean, Students Affairs of catering to a students’ welfare.
Most enquiries as to the location of a student are often directed to the department, and then redirected from there to the Security Department. Furthermore, the Chief Security Officer’s brief is limited to the physical presence of a student within the four walls of the institution, while the Student Affairs’ Unit concerns extend beyond social issues among others.
Students’ Affairs and Enrollment aspires to achieve an exemplary level of innovative and student-centered programs, services, and infrastructure, in support of a growing and diverse population.

SPEECHPersonal details
Full name: Philemon Wokoma
Surname: Iyagba
Present employment: Ignatius Ajuru University of Education
E-mail –[email protected]
Gender: Male
State of Origin: Rivers State
Nationality: Nigerian
Present Rank/Designation: Senior Lecturer
Present Position: Ag. Dean, Students’ Affairs Unit
Publications: 5 books, 54 journals articles,
Awards/conference attended: 4
Tertiary Education/Academic qualifications:
Ph.D (Educational Psychology) – 2016
M.Ed (Educational Psychology) – 1998
B.Ed (Educational Psychology, Guid./Counselling) – 1994
Membership of Professional Bodies
- Psychological Society of South Africa (PsySSA)
- American Psychological Association (APA)
iii. Counseling Association of Nigeria (CASSON)
Gloria Albert
Deputy Director
Full name: Gloria Albert
Surname: Albert
Present Rank/Designation: Deputy Director
Present Position: Students’ Affairs Officer
Tertiary Education/Academic qualifications:
Ph.D in-view
M.Ed (Administrative in higher education) – 2006
M.Ed (Early childhood and primary education) – 2018
B.Ed (Primary Education) – 2001
NCE/ENG – 1995
Membership of Professional Bodies
- Nigerian Institute of Management – Member
- Institute of Administration – Member
- Chaplaincy – Member
Dr. Josephine Onyeri
Chief Confidential Secretary
Personal details
Full name: Josephine Onyeri
Surname: Eke
Present employment: Ignatius Ajuru University of Education
E-mail – [email protected]
Gender: Female
State of Origin: Rivers State
Nationality: Nigerian
Present Rank/Designation: Chief Confidential Secretary
Present Position: Secretary, Dean Students’ Affairs Unit
Publications: 2 local journals articles, 11 foreign journals Publications
Awards/conference attended: 6
Tertiary Education/Academic qualifications: ND, B.Ed, M.sc. Ph.D
Membership of Professional Bodies
- NIM: Nigerian Institute of Management (Chartered) – 2016
- IBAKM: Institute of Business Administration and Knowledge Mgt. – 2021
Dodo Stella Data
Senior Assistant Registrar (S. A. R.)
Name: Dodo Stella Data
Present Rank/Designation: Senior Assistant Registrar (S. A. R.)
Educational Qualification: M.ed, B.ed, Nce
Professional Membership: Nil
Present Office/Position: Students’ Affairs Unit – SAR
Duties: Record keeping/ taking of minutes, dispatching of mails, receiving of mails and other administrative duties.
Da-Wariboko, Parker Pakapakaye
Senior Assistant Registrar (S. A. R.)
Name: Da-Wariboko, Parker Pakapakaye
Present Rank/Designation: Senior Assistant Registrar (S. A. R.)
Educational Qualification: Bachelor of Education (Political Science)
Professional Membership: Chartered Institute of Public Management
Present Office/Position: Students’ Affairs Unit – SAR
Duties: Record keeping/ taking of minutes and other administrative duties.
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