I am Professor Amalo Ndu Dibofori-Orji, a Professor of Environmental Management, with a PhD in Environmental Management and PhD in Environmental Chemistry. I was born to the family of late Chief Ndu Dibofori and late Mrs. Arlene Dibofori nee Osigwe both from Mbiama in the Engenni kingdom of Ahoada West Local Government Area. I am happily married to Retired Commodore J. C. Orji, an Accomplished Marine Engineer and blessed with four lovely children.
I believe in hard work, honesty, determination, excellence, integrity and service to science, people and the Environment. My role model is The Creator of the universe, JESUS, to whom I derive my very existence.
Curriculum Vitae Circular
- Personal Data
Surname: Dibofori-Orji
Other Names: Amalo Ndu
Date of Birth: 3rd April, 1963
Nationality: Nigerian
State of Origin: Rivers State
Local Government Area: Ahoada West
Religion: Christianity
Marital Status: Married
Residential/Home/Contact Address: 3, Military Close, off Nvigwe Road, Woji, Port Harcourt.
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: + (234) 803 9572 370
2. Employment
Date of First Appointment: 12th July, 1995
Date of Appointment to Present Position: February, 2019.
Position: Professor of Environmental Management
Department: Chemistry
Faculty: Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences
University: Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Rumuolumeni
Port Harcourt.
- Educational Institutions Attended with Dates:
1. Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Rumuolumeni, Port Harcourt (2018- 2021)
2. University of Ibadan, Ibadan (2010-2012).
3. Rivers Sate University of Science and Technology, Nkpolu, Port Harcourt (1999-2008).
4. Edo State University, Ekpoma (1989-1991).
4. Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Nkpolu, Port Harcourt (1980-1985).
- Academic Qualifications with Dates
1. Environmental Chemistry (Ph.D., 2021)
2. Post Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE, 2012)
3. Environmental Management (Ph.D., 2008)
4. Biochemistry (M.Sc., 1991)
5. Food Science and Technology (B.Sc., 1985)
- Scholarships, Honours, Distinctions
- Scholarships
1. Federal Government Post Graduate Scholarship (1990).
2. Edo State University Staff Research Grant (1991).
- Honours
1. Fellow, Institute of Corporate Administration (FCAI)
2. “Pride of the Black Race” Merit Award by Peak Laurels Magazine
3. United Nations-POLAC Peace Ambassador Award (Amb.P)
4. International Africa Achievers Merit Award, Accra Ghana
5. Award of Excellent Performance by Child’s Dream Foundation
6. “Woman of Worth” by Okigwe District Women Ministries, Assemblies of God, Nigeria.
7. Certificate of Appreciation for Meritorious Service to Humanity and Contributions to the Programmes and Activities of the Alumni Association of Rivers State University Science and Technology.
8. Certificate of Recognition and Honorary Award as a Matron by Teens Solution Ministries, Assemblies of God Nigeria, Woji Section.
9. “Woman of Distinction Gold Award” by Peak Laurels Magazine
10. Award of Academic Excellence by Ignatius Ajuru University of Education Women Association.
- Membership of Professional Bodies
1. Fellow, Chemical Society of Nigeria (FCSN)
2. Fellow, Institute of Chartered Chemists of Nigeria (FICCON)
3. Member, Institute of Public Analysts of Nigeria (MIPAN)
4. Member, Science Association Nigeria (MSAN)
5. Member, Nigerian Institute for Training and Development (MNITAD)
6. Science Teachers Association of Nigeria (STAN)
7. Member, Organisation of Women in Science in the Developing World (OWSD)
8. Member, Society for Testing Laboratories of Nigeria (SoTLAN).
9. Member, Women in Chemistry, Nigeria (MWIC)
- Working Experience with Dates
a. Non Teaching
1. Quality Control Supervisor, Tropic Foods Ltd., Agbede, Edo State- NYSC (1985-1986)
2. Production Manager, Universal Grains Ltd., Aviele, Edo State (1986-1987)
b. Teaching
1. Technologist II, Department of Biochemistry, Edo State University, Ekpoma (1987-1989).
2. Graduate Assistant, Department of Biochemistry, Edo State University, Ekpoma (1989-1991).
3. Assistant Lecturer, Department of Biochemistry, Edo State University, Ekpoma (1991-1993).
4. Assistant Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, Rivers State College of Education, Rumuolumeni Port Harcourt (1995 – 2000).
5. Lecturer II, Department of Chemistry, Rivers State College of Education, Rumuolumeni Port Harcourt (2000 –2003).
6. Lecturer I, Department of Chemistry, Rivers State College of Education, Rumuolumeni Port Harcourt (2003 –2007).
7. Senior Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, Rivers State College of Education now Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Rumuolumeni, Port Harcourt (2007-2016).
8. Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Rumuolumeni, Port Harcourt (2016-2019).
9. Professor, Department of Chemistry, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education Rumuolumeni, Port Harcourt (2019-Date).
c. Current Teaching Programme: B.Sc., B.Sc. Ed, PGD., M.Sc., Ph.D.
d. Courses Taught
First Semester
100L – Basic Chemistry I (CHE 112)
200L – General Biochemistry (BCH 214)
400L – Nuclear Chemistry and Radiochemistry (CHE 411),
400L – Project/Seminar (CHE 414).
PGD – Nuclear Chemistry and Radiochemistry (CHE 717)
Second Semester
100L – Basic Chemistry II (CHE 122),
Practical Chemistry I (CHE 123).
300L – Experimental Physical Chemistry (CHE 321).
400L – Environmental Chemistry (CHE 424)
PGD – Nuclear Chemistry (CHE 717)
M.Sc. / Ph.D.- Environmental Chemistry (CHE 821).
M.Sc. – Research Supervision (CHE 825)
Ph. D – Research Supervision (CHE 925)
- Other Responsibilities
- Within the University
a. Director, Quality Assurance and Ethics Unit (2020 till date)
b. Member, Post Graduate Board (Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences Representative) 2019.
c. Member, Committee on the Review of University Academic Brief (2019).
d. Member, Committee on the Relocation of Faculty of Business Studies from St. John’s Diobu Campus to the Rumuolumeni Campus of the University (2017).
e. Treasurer, Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences Conference Committee (2014).
f. Member of University Ceremonial Committee (Congregation Representative, 2014).
g. Head of Department of Chemistry (2010-2015).
- Computation of Students’ Results (2008-2010).
- Level Adviser and Course Registration Officer (2005-2007).
Journal Paper Assessor
International Journal of Educational Development (IJOED), Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Rumuolumeni, Port Harcourt.
Analytical Science Journal (ASJ), Institute of Public Analysts of Nigeria
Polish Journal of Chemical Technology. Paper Reference: PJCT 00653-2018-01. Title of Manuscript: Adsorption Efficiency of Activated Macadamia Nutshell for Removal of Organochlorine Pesticides: Endrin and 4, 4-DDT from Aqueous Solution.
Net Journal of Agricultural Science. Paper Reference: NJAS-2018-029. Title of Manuscript: Spectroscopic and Chemical Analysis of Burnt Earth under Amazonian Home Garden Systems and Anthropic Amazonian Dark Soils.
10 External Examiner/ Assessor
Name of Student: Mr. D.E. Khotha (20319487). Programme: MTech Chemistry, Department of chemistry, Vaal University of Technology, Andries Potgieter Boulevard Vanderbijlpark South Africa.
Niger Delta University, Amassoma Bayelsa. External Examiner for the Undergraduate Programme (2021 to date).
Federal College of Education, Omoku, Rivers State. External Assessor for Promotion.
- Outside the University
- Head of Department of Biochemistry, Abia State Polytechnic, Aba (Sabbatical Leave, 2009 – 2010).
- Treasurer (2008 – 2012) and Vice Chairman (2012 – 2015), Chemical Society of Nigeria, Rivers State Chapter.
- Member, Sub-Committee on Examination for Admission into the Institute of Public Analysts of Nigeria (IPAN, 2012).
- Member of the Governing Council of the Institute of Public Analysts of Nigeria (IPAN, 2017 – 2019).
- Deaconess; Sunday School Teacher; Project Committee Member; Treasurer, Missions Board; and Treasurer, Power Conference Committee, of Northern Rivers District of Assemblies of God Nigeria (2007- Till Date).
- Member, Finance & General Purpose Committee (FGPC), Institute of Public Analysts of Nigeria (IPAN, 2017-Till Date).
Government Related Services
- 2011 Elections Observer Under the Umbrella of the Association of
Professional Bodies of Nigeria (APBN).
- Supervisor, Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) Examination.
- Appointment into the Committee to accredit Laboratories for Testing of Drinking Water in the South/South Zone under the Sponsorship of UNESCO and the Federal Ministry of Water Resources (2017-2018)
9. Research Interests
1. Environmental / Analytical Chemistry
a. Researches Completed
- Lead, Cadmium, Chromium and Iron levels in Processed Edible Larvae sold along a busy highway in Nigeria: Mbiama- Warri Road as a Case Study.
- Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Charcoal Roasted Beef (a.k.a. Suya) within Port Harcourt Metropolis.
- A comparative study of some Trace Elements level of Melon Seed (Egusi) planted in the Niger Delta and Middle Belt Regions of Nigeria.
- Determination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Monodora myristica (Ehuru Seed).
- Quantification of Trace Metals and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the Body Fluids of Individuals Living in a Polluted Environment.
- Extraction and Characterization of the Flavour Components of Monodora Myristica.
- Physicochemical and Heavy Metals Analysis of River Water and Sediments along Woji Creek.
- A comparative Study of the Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons at some Jetty Points along Bonny River.
- The Effects of Gasoline on some Body Enzymes (ALS, ASP, ) in Clarias gariepinus (Catfish).
- Geo-accumulation and Ecological Risk Assessment Studies of Heavy Metals and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons of dust and air in some Eateries, and Markets within Port Harcourt Metropolis.
b. Researches in Progress
- Determination of some Heavy Metals (Pb, Cd, Cr, As, Hg) in Shrimps from Yenegoa-Amarata Creek in Bayelsa State of Nigeria.
- Analysis of the Lubricating Properties of Coconut Water as a potential Automobile Brake Fluid etc.
10. Publications
- Books
1. Ekpete, O. A.; Dibofori-Orji, A. N. and Marcus, A. C. (2014). Fundamentals of General Chemistry. Prints Speedlinks, Ibadan.
2. Dibofori-Orji, Amalo Ndu (2013). Fundamentals of Nuclear Chemistry and Radiochemistry for Undergraduates. Paragraphics, Port Harcourt.
B. Chapters
3. Dibofori-Orji Amalo Ndu (2017). IUPAC and Oxidation Numbers. In: A New Approach to Chemistry. Speedlink Business Bureau, Ibadan. Pp 1-10
4. Dibofori-Orji Amalo Ndu (2017). Thermochemistry. In: A New Approach to Chemistry. Speedlink Business Bureau, Ibadan. Pp. 158-168.
C. Published Journal Articles
5. *Dibofori-Orji, A. N. (2020). Assessment of metal contamination in sediment from Woji Creek, Niger Delta Region of Nigeria. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry. DOI: 10.1018/03067319.2020.1832482. Crossref
6. *Dibofori-Orji, A. N. (2019). Exposure to Heavy Metals in Soot samples and Cancer Risk Assessment in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Journal of Health and Pollution. DOI: 10.5696/2156-9614-9.24.191211. Crossref
7 * Ihunwo, O. C.; Shahabinia, A. R.; Udo, K. S.; Bonnail, E.; Onyema, M. O.; Dibofori-Orji A. N. & Mmom, P. C. (2019). Distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Woji Creek, in the Niger Delta. Environmental Research Communications, 1(12), 12-50. http://doi.org/10.1088/2515-7620/ab50f2.
8. * Dibofori-Orji, A. N., Owhonda, C. I., Kufre, S. U., Amir, R. S., Mark, O. O. Prince, C. M. (2019). Spacial and Temporal Distribution and Contamination Assessment of Heavy Metals in Woji Creek. Environmental Research Communications, iopscience.iop.org, 1(11), 1-10.
9. *Dibofori-Orji, A. N. and Ali S. T. (2019). Phytochemical and Some Heavy Metals Analysisof Stembark Extract of Sacoglottis gabonensis. Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, 6(5), 34-39
10. *Dibofori-Orji, A. N.; Kalagbor, I. and Ekpete O. A. (2019). The Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon Contents of the Ambient Air within Port Harcourt and Environs. Chemical Research Journal, 4(3), 117-123.
11. *Dibofori-Orji, A. N. and Ali, S. T. (2019). Physicochemical Analysis of Palm Wine, Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 8(1), 417-421.
12. *Dibofori-Orji, A. N. and Kalagbor, I. (2019). The level of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon in the Ambient Air Within and Outside Port Harcourt Metropolis. Chemistry Research Journal, 4(1), 101-105.
13. *Dibofori-Orji, A. N.; ThankGod, P. and Ali, S. T. (2018). Comparative Studies of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Raw and Charcoal Roasted Beef Consumed in Port Harcourt City and Environ. The Pharmaceutical and Chemical Journal, 5 (5), 129-134.
14. *Dibofori-Orji, A. N. and Edori, O. S. (2018). Geo-Accumulation and Ecological Risk Assessments of Heavy Metals from Roadside Dust around Forces Avenue, Old G.R.A. Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research: H Environment and Earth Science, 18(3), 21-24.
15. *Dibofori-Orji, A. N. and ThankGod, P. (2018). Analysis of Heavy Metals in Hawked Charcoal Roasted Beef (Suya) within Port Harcourt Metropolis. European Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry, 5(2), 12-20.
16. *Dibofori-Orji, A. N. and Didia, L. E. (2017). Determination of Saccharin content in some Ice Creams consumed in Port Harcourt. International Journal of Chemical Studies, 5((5), 439-442.
17. *Edori, O. S. and Dibofori-Orji A. N. (2016). Phytochemical Composition and . Termicidal Effect of Aqueous Extract of Raphiafarinifera Seed. Sci. Agric, 13(2), 97-102.
18. *Edori, O.S; Dibofori-Orji A. N. and Edori E.O. (2015). Comparative Effects of Kerosene and Diesel on Ion Regulatory Characteristics in Tympanotonus fuscatus after Subchronic Exposure. Science Domain International, 8 (2), 1-6.
19. *Dibofori-Orji, A. N. And Edori, O. S. (2015). Analysis of Some Heavy Metals (Pb, Cd, Cr, Fe, Zn) in Processed Cassava Flour (Garri) Sold along a busy Highway. Archives of Applied Science Research, 7(2), 15-
20. *Dibofori-Orji, A. N., Nwajei, G.E., Uduebholo, M.I. and Nwajei, R.I. (2014). Distribution of Trace Elements in Water, Fish and Earthworm from Warri River in Delta State of Nigeria. International Journal of Current Research, 6 (12), 10984-10990.
21. *Nwajei, G.E.; Dibofori-Orji, A.N.; Oberhirhi, V.U. and Nwajei,R.I. (2014). Heavy Metals Concentration in Soils and Vegetation around Selected Waste Dumpsites in Delta State. Asian Journal of Science and Technology, 5(9), 567-572.
22. *Nwajei, G.E.; Dibofori-Orji, A.N.; Iwegbue, C.M.A. and Ojuh, B.O. (2014). Disribution of Trace Elements in Surface Water Sediments from Crayford Creek in Warri, Delta State of Nigeria. Academic Research International, 5(4), 122-131.
23. *Dibofori-Orji, A. N. And Edori, O.S. (2013). Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) and Trace Metals Emissions from the Combustion of Tyres in a Nigerian Abattoir. Chemistry and Materials Research, 3(3), 21-26.
24. *Edori, O.S.; Dibofori-Orji, A. N. and Edori, E.S. (2013). Biochemical Changes in Plasma and Liver of Clarias gariepinus Exposed to Paraquat. IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences, 8(2), 35-39.
25. *Edori, O.S. and Dibofori-Orji, A. N., (2013). Diesel Induced Changes in Electrolytes in Tissues of Tympanotonus fuscatus after Mild Exposure. International Journal of Advanced Science and Engineering, 3(1), 164-170.
26. *Farah, A.M.; Billing, C.; Dikio, C.W.; Dibofori-Orji, A.N.; Oyedeji, O.O.; Wankasi, D.; Mtunzi, F.M. and Dikio, E.D. (2013). Synthesis of Prussian Blue and its Electrochemical Detection of Hydrogen Peroxide Based on Cetyltrimethylammoniumbromide (CTAB) Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode. Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 8, 12132-12146.
27. *Dibofori-Orji, A. N. and Braide, S.A. (2013). Emission of NOx, SOx and CO from the Combustion of Vehicle Tyres in an Abattoir. Journal of Natural Sciences Research, 3(8), 60-62.
28. *Marcus, A.C. and Dibofori-Orji, A. N. (2013). Mercury Levels in Sediments, Shellfish and Fish of a Water Body in the Niger Delta. Chemistry and Materials Research, 3(13), 134-142.
29. *Dibofori-Orji, A. N. and Marcus, A.C. (2012). Analysis of Some Physico Chemical Properties of the Orashi River Water at Mbiama and Ogbema Communities in Rivers State. International Journal of Academic Research, 4(6), 357-360.
30. *Dibofori-Orji, A. N. and Braide, S.A. (2011). Trace Metals and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) Levels in Cattle Skin (kanda) Processed with Burning Tyres. International Journal of Applied Environmental Sciences, 6(2), 133-141.
31. *Dibofori-Orji, A. N. (2011). Some Critical Processes Involved in Formulation of Water-in – Oil Fuel Emulsions, Combustion Efficiency of the Emulsified Fuels and their Possible Environmental Impacts. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 3(8), 701-706.
32. Dibofori-Orji, A.N. (2007). Determination of Lead, Mercury and Cadmium Levels in Shrimps from Otamiri River in Etche Land, Rivers State. Interdisciplinary Journal of Research Initiators, 3(1), 98-107.
33. Dibofori-Orji, A.N. (2007). Poly Aromatic Hydrocarbons Levels of the Heart of Guinea Pigs fed with Cattle Skin Processed with Vehicle Tyres. Interdisciplinary Journal of Research Initiators, 3(1), 65-73.
34. Dibofori-Orji, A.N. (2007). An Opinion Survey on the Health Status of Workers in Trans Amadi Abattoir Port Harcourt. Interdisciplinary Journal of Academic Architects in Nigeria, 3(3), 141-152.
35. Dibofori-Orji, A.N. (2006). Possible Emissions from the Burning of Old Tyres to Process Cattle Skin (a.k.a. Kanda). Interdisciplinary Journal of Academic Architects in Nigeria, 3(3), 88-116.
36. Dibofori-Orji, A. (2004). Level of Awareness of the General Public on Pollution Caused by Automobile Exhaust and its Adverse Health Effects in Port Harcourt Metropolis. Technology Education Journal, 5(1), 149-155.
37. Orji, J.C. and Dibofori-Orji Amalo (2004). Combustion Efficiency of Fuel-Oil Emulsions. Technology Education Journal, 5(1), 139-148.
38. Dibofori-Orji, A. (2004). Some Chemical and Sensory Qualities of Laboratory Prepared Pawpaw (Carica papaya) Jam. Akoka Journal of Pure and Applied Science Education, 5 (1), 82-90.
39. Dibofori-Orji, A. (2001). Effects of Germination on the Hydrogen Cyanide Content of Lima Beans (Phaseolus lunatus). Akoka Journal of Pure and Applied Science Education, 3(1), 101-107.
40. Dibofori-Orji Amalo (1999). Effects of Germination on Some Major Nutrients and Oligosaccharide Contents of Lima Beans (Phaseolus lunatus). Akoka Journal of Pure and Applied Science Education, 2 (1), 207-212.
(* articles published in foreign journals)
C. Conferences and Workshop Papers Read
1. 39th International Conference, Workshop and Exhibition of the Chemical Society of Nigeria (CSN), Port Harcourt, Rivers State (2016). Determination of the Saccharin Content of Some Locally Consumed Ice Creams in Port Harcourt Metropolis
2. Organisation for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD) Conference 2016, Kuwait City. Comparative Study of the Vitamins A and E in the Oil Extracts of Avocado Pear and African Native Pear
3. Chemical Society of Nigeria, Rivers State Chapter: Teachers’ Training Workshop, Port Harcourt (2012). Handling Laboratory Equipment and Planning Chemistry Practicals. Theme of Workshop: The Challenges of Teaching Chemistry in the Secondary Schools.
10. Conferences and Workshops Attended
A. Conferences
1. 42nd Annual International Conference & 4th ACRICE, Workshop, Exhibition and General Meeting of the Chemical Society of Nigeria (CSN) Ikeja (2019)
2. 2nd Conference of Analysts by Society of Testing Laboratory Analysts of Nigeria (SoTLAN), Ikeja (2019).
3. 2 nd International Conference of Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Rumuolumeni Port Harcourt (2018).
4. 41st Annual International Conference, Workshop, Exhibition and General Meeting of the Chemical Society of Nigeria (CSN) Ibadan (2018).
5. 1st Conference of Analysts by the Society of Testing Laboratory Analysts of Nigeria (SoTLAN) Ibadan 2018.
6. 38th Annual International Conference, Workshop and Exhibition of the Chemical Society of Nigeria (CSN), Abuja (2015).
7. 3rd International Conference on Gender, Development and the Environment, Federal Univrsity of Technology, Owerri (2014).
8. 55th Annual Conference of Science Teachers Association of Nigeria (STAN), Asaba (2014).
9. 37th Annual International Conference, Workshop and Exhibition, of the Chemical Society of Nigeria, (CSN) Akwa Ibom (2014).
10. 54th Annual Conference of Science Teachers Association of Nigeria (STAN), Uyo, Akwa Ibom (2013).
11. 36th Annual International Conference, Workshop and Exhibition, of the Chemical Society of Nigeria, (CSN) Minna, Niger State (2013).
12. 35th Annual International Conference, Workshop and Exhibition, of the Chemical Society of Nigeria, (CSN) Owerri, Imo State (2012).
13. 1st International Annual Conference of the Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Rumuolumeni, Port Harcourt (2012).
14. 33rd Annual International Conference, Workshop and Exhibition, of the Chemical Society of Nigeria (CSN), Abeokuta, Ogun State (2010).
B. Training Workshops Attended with Dates
1. 2nd Post Graduate School Capacity Building Workshop. Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Rumuolumeni Port Harcourt (May, 2019).
2. 27th Annual Training Workshop: Advancing Analytical Laboratory Practice in Nigeria: Viable Business and Financing Options, Institute of Public Analysts of Nigeria (IPAN), Ikeja, Lagos (November, 2018).
3. A three-day Chemical Security Awareness Workshop by The U. S. Department of State’s Chemical Security Program (CSP) in Collaboration with the Chemical Society of Nigeria (CSN) University of Port Harcourt (March, 2018).
4. 25th Training Workshop: The Role of Public Analysts in a Recessed Economy. Ikeja Lagos (April, 2017).
5. 21st Mandatory Workshop: Your Laboratory, Your Business. Ilorin Kwara State (April, 2015).
6. United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) and the National Quality Infrastructure Project for Nigeria: Proficiency Testing According to ISO 17043:2010, Port Harcourt (March, 2015).
7. 20th Mandatory Workshop: Modern Trends in Analysis and Instrumentation, Ikeja, Lagos (November, 2014).
8. 19th Mandatory Workshop: Analytical Laboratory: The Nexus to Sustainable Development, Asaba, Delta State (April, 2014).
9. 17th Mandatory Workshop: The Role of Public Analysts in the Manufacturing Industry, Ikeja, Lagos (April, 2013).
10. 16th Mandatory Workshop: Sampling Techniques and Sample Analysis: Modern Trends, Ikeja, Lagos (November, 2012).
11. 15th Mandatory Workshop: Environment, Laboratory and Standards, Abuja (April, 2012).
12. 14th Mandatory Workshop: The Role of Public Analysts Towards the Achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, Ikeja, Lagos (November, 2011).
13. Wealth Creation- The Chemists Approach: Coating Technology in Focus Port Harcourt, Rivers State (April, 2011).
14. Wealth Creation- The Chemists Approach, Ikeja, Lagos (2010) . 15. 12th Mandatory Workshop: Health and Safety: What Role for Microbes and the Analyst? Ikeja, Lagos (November, 2010).
16. 11th Mandatory Workshop: The Use of High Precision Instruments in Laboratory Analysis, Ikeja, Lagos (April, 2010).
17. 10th Mandatory Workshop: Quality Assurance in Laboratory Management, Ikeja, Lagos (November, 2009).
18. 9th Mandatory Workshop: Environmental Analysis and Sustainable Development, Ikeja, Lagos (April, 2009).
1. Professor Ozioma A. Ekpete
Dean, Faculty of Natural & Applied Sciences
Ignatius Ajuru University of Education
Port Harcourt.
2. Professor Godwin Ebichime Nwajei
Department of Chemistry
Delta State University,
3. Professor Joseph Barineka Kinanee
Department of Guidance and Counselling
Ignatius Ajuru University of Education
Port Harcourt.
Production Manager, Tropic Foods Ltd. Agbede Edo State 1985-1986
Technologist II, Edo State University, Ekpoma 1987-1989
Graduate Assistant and Assistant Lecturer, Edo State University, Ekpoma. 1989- 1993
Assistant Lecturer, Rivers State College of Education, Rumuolumeni 1995-1998
Lecturer II, Rivers State College of Education, Rumuolumeni 1998-2001
Lecturer I, Rivers State College of Education, Rumuolumeni 2001-2007
Senior Lecturer, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Rumuolumeni 2007-2016
Reader, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Rumuolumeni 2016-2019
Professor of Environmental Management, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Rumuolumeni 2019 till Date
Head of Department of Chemistry, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education 2010-2015
Director, Quality Assurance & Professional Ethics 2021 till Date
Professor Dibofori-Orji, Amalo Ndu belongs to the Department of CHEMISTRY in the Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences.
- Books
1. Ekpete, O. A.; Dibofori-Orji, A. N. and Marcus, A. C. (2014). Fundamentals of General Chemistry. Prints Speedlinks, Ibadan.
2. Dibofori-Orji, Amalo Ndu (2013). Fundamentals of Nuclear Chemistry and Radiochemistry for Undergraduates. Paragraphics, Port Harcourt.
B. Chapters
3. Dibofori-Orji Amalo Ndu (2017). IUPAC and Oxidation Numbers. In: A New Approach to Chemistry. Speedlink Business Bureau, Ibadan. Pp 1-10
4. Dibofori-Orji Amalo Ndu (2017). Thermochemistry. In: A New Approach to Chemistry. Speedlink Business Bureau, Ibadan. Pp. 158-168.
C. Published Journal Articles
5. *Dibofori-Orji, A. N. (2020). Assessment of metal contamination in sediment from Woji Creek, Niger Delta Region of Nigeria. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry. DOI: 10.1018/03067319.2020.1832482. Crossref
6. *Dibofori-Orji, A. N. (2019). Exposure to Heavy Metals in Soot samples and Cancer Risk Assessment in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Journal of Health and Pollution. DOI: 10.5696/2156-9614-9.24.191211. Crossref
7 * Ihunwo, O. C.; Shahabinia, A. R.; Udo, K. S.; Bonnail, E.; Onyema, M. O.; Dibofori-Orji A. N. & Mmom, P. C. (2019). Distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Woji Creek, in the Niger Delta. Environmental Research Communications, 1(12), 12-50. http://doi.org/10.1088/2515-7620/ab50f2.
8. * Dibofori-Orji, A. N., Owhonda, C. I., Kufre, S. U., Amir, R. S., Mark, O. O. Prince, C. M. (2019). Spacial and Temporal Distribution and Contamination Assessment of Heavy Metals in Woji Creek. Environmental Research Communications, iopscience.iop.org, 1(11), 1-10.
9. *Dibofori-Orji, A. N. and Ali S. T. (2019). Phytochemical and Some Heavy Metals Analysisof Stembark Extract of Sacoglottis gabonensis. Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, 6(5), 34-39
10. *Dibofori-Orji, A. N.; Kalagbor, I. and Ekpete O. A. (2019). The Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon Contents of the Ambient Air within Port Harcourt and Environs. Chemical Research Journal, 4(3), 117-123.
11. *Dibofori-Orji, A. N. and Ali, S. T. (2019). Physicochemical Analysis of Palm Wine, Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 8(1), 417-421.
12. *Dibofori-Orji, A. N. and Kalagbor, I. (2019). The level of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon in the Ambient Air Within and Outside Port Harcourt Metropolis. Chemistry Research Journal, 4(1), 101-105.
13. *Dibofori-Orji, A. N.; ThankGod, P. and Ali, S. T. (2018). Comparative Studies of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Raw and Charcoal Roasted Beef Consumed in Port Harcourt City and Environ. The Pharmaceutical and Chemical Journal, 5 (5), 129-134.
14. *Dibofori-Orji, A. N. and Edori, O. S. (2018). Geo-Accumulation and Ecological Risk Assessments of Heavy Metals from Roadside Dust around Forces Avenue, Old G.R.A. Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research: H Environment and Earth Science, 18(3), 21-24.
15. *Dibofori-Orji, A. N. and ThankGod, P. (2018). Analysis of Heavy Metals in Hawked Charcoal Roasted Beef (Suya) within Port Harcourt Metropolis. European Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry, 5(2), 12-20.
16. *Dibofori-Orji, A. N. and Didia, L. E. (2017). Determination of Saccharin content in some Ice Creams consumed in Port Harcourt. International Journal of Chemical Studies, 5((5), 439-442.
17. *Edori, O. S. and Dibofori-Orji A. N. (2016). Phytochemical Composition and . Termicidal Effect of Aqueous Extract of Raphiafarinifera Seed. Sci. Agric, 13(2), 97-102.
18. *Edori, O.S; Dibofori-Orji A. N. and Edori E.O. (2015). Comparative Effects of Kerosene and Diesel on Ion Regulatory Characteristics in Tympanotonus fuscatus after Subchronic Exposure. Science Domain International, 8 (2), 1-6.
19. *Dibofori-Orji, A. N. And Edori, O. S. (2015). Analysis of Some Heavy Metals (Pb, Cd, Cr, Fe, Zn) in Processed Cassava Flour (Garri) Sold along a busy Highway. Archives of Applied Science Research, 7(2), 15-
20. *Dibofori-Orji, A. N., Nwajei, G.E., Uduebholo, M.I. and Nwajei, R.I. (2014). Distribution of Trace Elements in Water, Fish and Earthworm from Warri River in Delta State of Nigeria. International Journal of Current Research, 6 (12), 10984-10990.
21. *Nwajei, G.E.; Dibofori-Orji, A.N.; Oberhirhi, V.U. and Nwajei,R.I. (2014). Heavy Metals Concentration in Soils and Vegetation around Selected Waste Dumpsites in Delta State. Asian Journal of Science and Technology, 5(9), 567-572.
22. *Nwajei, G.E.; Dibofori-Orji, A.N.; Iwegbue, C.M.A. and Ojuh, B.O. (2014). Disribution of Trace Elements in Surface Water Sediments from Crayford Creek in Warri, Delta State of Nigeria. Academic Research International, 5(4), 122-131.
23. *Dibofori-Orji, A. N. And Edori, O.S. (2013). Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) and Trace Metals Emissions from the Combustion of Tyres in a Nigerian Abattoir. Chemistry and Materials Research, 3(3), 21-26.
24. *Edori, O.S.; Dibofori-Orji, A. N. and Edori, E.S. (2013). Biochemical Changes in Plasma and Liver of Clarias gariepinus Exposed to Paraquat. IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences, 8(2), 35-39.
25. *Edori, O.S. and Dibofori-Orji, A. N., (2013). Diesel Induced Changes in Electrolytes in Tissues of Tympanotonus fuscatus after Mild Exposure. International Journal of Advanced Science and Engineering, 3(1), 164-170.
26. *Farah, A.M.; Billing, C.; Dikio, C.W.; Dibofori-Orji, A.N.; Oyedeji, O.O.; Wankasi, D.; Mtunzi, F.M. and Dikio, E.D. (2013). Synthesis of Prussian Blue and its Electrochemical Detection of Hydrogen Peroxide Based on Cetyltrimethylammoniumbromide (CTAB) Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode. Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 8, 12132-12146.
27. *Dibofori-Orji, A. N. and Braide, S.A. (2013). Emission of NOx, SOx and CO from the Combustion of Vehicle Tyres in an Abattoir. Journal of Natural Sciences Research, 3(8), 60-62.
28. *Marcus, A.C. and Dibofori-Orji, A. N. (2013). Mercury Levels in Sediments, Shellfish and Fish of a Water Body in the Niger Delta. Chemistry and Materials Research, 3(13), 134-142.
29. *Dibofori-Orji, A. N. and Marcus, A.C. (2012). Analysis of Some Physico Chemical Properties of the Orashi River Water at Mbiama and Ogbema Communities in Rivers State. International Journal of Academic Research, 4(6), 357-360.
30. *Dibofori-Orji, A. N. and Braide, S.A. (2011). Trace Metals and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) Levels in Cattle Skin (kanda) Processed with Burning Tyres. International Journal of Applied Environmental Sciences, 6(2), 133-141.
31. *Dibofori-Orji, A. N. (2011). Some Critical Processes Involved in Formulation of Water-in – Oil Fuel Emulsions, Combustion Efficiency of the Emulsified Fuels and their Possible Environmental Impacts. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 3(8), 701-706.
32. Dibofori-Orji, A.N. (2007). Determination of Lead, Mercury and Cadmium Levels in Shrimps from Otamiri River in Etche Land, Rivers State. Interdisciplinary Journal of Research Initiators, 3(1), 98-107.
33. Dibofori-Orji, A.N. (2007). Poly Aromatic Hydrocarbons Levels of the Heart of Guinea Pigs fed with Cattle Skin Processed with Vehicle Tyres. Interdisciplinary Journal of Research Initiators, 3(1), 65-73.
34. Dibofori-Orji, A.N. (2007). An Opinion Survey on the Health Status of Workers in Trans Amadi Abattoir Port Harcourt. Interdisciplinary Journal of Academic Architects in Nigeria, 3(3), 141-152.
35. Dibofori-Orji, A.N. (2006). Possible Emissions from the Burning of Old Tyres to Process Cattle Skin (a.k.a. Kanda). Interdisciplinary Journal of Academic Architects in Nigeria, 3(3), 88-116.
36. Dibofori-Orji, A. (2004). Level of Awareness of the General Public on Pollution Caused by Automobile Exhaust and its Adverse Health Effects in Port Harcourt Metropolis. Technology Education Journal, 5(1), 149-155.
37. Orji, J.C. and Dibofori-Orji Amalo (2004). Combustion Efficiency of Fuel-Oil Emulsions. Technology Education Journal, 5(1), 139-148.
38. Dibofori-Orji, A. (2004). Some Chemical and Sensory Qualities of Laboratory Prepared Pawpaw (Carica papaya) Jam. Akoka Journal of Pure and Applied Science Education, 5 (1), 82-90.
39. Dibofori-Orji, A. (2001). Effects of Germination on the Hydrogen Cyanide Content of Lima Beans (Phaseolus lunatus). Akoka Journal of Pure and Applied Science Education, 3(1), 101-107.
40. Dibofori-Orji Amalo (1999). Effects of Germination on Some Major Nutrients and Oligosaccharide Contents of Lima Beans (Phaseolus lunatus). Akoka Journal of Pure and Applied Science Education, 2 (1), 207-212.
Professional Bodies/ Associations
1. Fellow, Chemical Society of Nigeria (FCSN)
2. Fellow, Institute of Chartered Chemists of Nigeria (FICCON)
3. Member, Institute of Public Analysts of Nigeria (MIPAN)
4. Member, Science Association Nigeria (MSAN)
5. Member, Nigerian Institute for Training and Development (MNITAD)
6. Science Teachers Association of Nigeria (STAN)
7. Member, Organisation of Women in Science in the Developing World (OWSD)
8. Member, Society for Testing Laboratories of Nigeria (SoTLAN).
9. Member, Women in Chemistry, Nigeria (MWIC)
- Honours
1. Fellow, Institute of Corporate Administration (FCAI)
2. “Pride of the Black Race” Merit Award by Peak Laurels Magazine
3. United Nations-POLAC Peace Ambassador Award (Amb.P)
4. International Africa Achievers Merit Award, Accra Ghana
5. Award of Excellent Performance by Child’s Dream Foundation
6. “Woman of Worth” by Okigwe District Women Ministries, Assemblies of God, Nigeria.
7. Certificate of Appreciation for Meritorious Service to Humanity and Contributions to the Programmes and Activities of the Alumni Association of Rivers State University Science and Technology.
8. Certificate of Recognition and Honorary Award as a Matron by Teens Solution Ministries, Assemblies of God Nigeria, Woji Section.
9. “Woman of Distinction Gold Award” by Peak Laurels Magazine
10. A Life Time Service Award by Students Chemical Society of Nigeria, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Rumuolumeni.
11. “Award of Outstanding Performance” by the National Union of Izon-Ibe Students. Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Rumuolumeni.
12. Meritorious Award of “Excellent Performance” by the National Union of Ahoada West Students, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Rumuolumeni.
13. Award of Academic Excellence by Ignatius Ajuru University of Education Women Association.