Onwugbuta-Enyi, Jane Akaja is a professor of plant physiology in the Department of biology, Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education. She studied at the university of Port Harcourt for all her degrees: B.Sc. Botany (2nd Class Upper), M.Sc. Plant Physiology and PhD Botany. She needed and obtained a Post Graduate Diploma in Education from Rivers State University of Science and Technology (now Rivers State University).
Professor Onwugbuta-Enyi joined the services of Ignatius Ajuru University of Education (then Rivers State College of Education) as a Graduate Assistant in October 1982. She rose through the ranks to Senior Lecturer (2001), Associate Professor (2008) and Professor of Plant Physiology (2012). She has served the University in various capacities among which are Acting Head, Department of Biology (2009-2010); Member representing Senate in Ignatius Ajuru of Education Governing Council (2008-2014); Member, Council Committee on review of spate of employment in the College (2008); Member, Panel on Admission Irregularities (2003/2004, 2008/2009); Member, Council Committee of Review of University Statutes (2011); Dean, Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences (2010-2012, 2012-2015, 2019-2021); Director, ICTC (2015-2019), etc.
Professor Onwugbuta-Enyi is a duly registered and very active member of many National and International learned and Professional bodies among which are: American-Eurasian Journal of Agriculture and Medicine (Associate Editor); American-Eurasian network of scientific information (AENS); Institute of Biology, United Kingdom of Great Britian and Ireland; Botanical Society of Nigeria (BOSON); Nigerian Society of Botanical Conservation (NSPC); Nigerian Institue of Management (NIM); Institute of Corporate Administration of Nigeria, etc.
Professor Onwugbuta-Enyi is widely published in both local and foreign journals. She has also attended several National and International academic conferences within and outside the country. She is married with two lovely children.
My personal Philosophy in life is built on five things: Simplicity, Relationship, Empathy, Compassion and Honesty. I believe that my purpose in life is to make good things happen to the people in my world- those I love, those in my community, and those beyond it. I am here to make the world a better place taking one action at a time. I believe that life won’t be well spent unless I have a positive impact on those around me. I, therefore have to be as kind and compassionate toward myself and to others.
Contact Address: Department of Biology,
Ignatius Ajuru University of Education
P.M.B 5047, Rumuolumeni
Port Harcourt- Rivers State
Residential Address: No. 13 Anebom (Favour Street), Rumuigbo New Layout
Off NTA Road, Port Harcourt, Rivers State
Phone: 08033297353
E-mail: [email protected]
Date of Birth: 09/09/58
Local Government Area: Emuoha
State of Origin: Rivers State
Nationality: Nigerian by Birth
Religion: Christianity
Marital Status: Married
Number of Children: Two
Department: Biology
Tertiary Institutions Date Degree Obtained
University of Port Harcourt 1994 Ph.D Plant Physiology
University of Port Harcourt 1985 M.Sc Plant Physiology
University of Port Harcourt 1981 B.Sc Botany (21)
Rivers State University of Science and Technology 2005 PGDE
Scholarships: 1977-1981 Rivers State Scholarship for
1982- 1984 University of Port Harcourt
Scholarship for Best Students.
3. TEACHING EXPERIENCE: 1982 till Date Ignatius Ajuru University of Education,
Rumuolumeni, Port Harcourt
Programmes: – Ph.D Plant Physiology
– M.Sc Plant Physiology
– PGD Biology
– Bachelor of Science in Education Biology Option
(B.Sc Ed.)
4. OTHER RESPONSIBILITIES (e.g. Administrative Services, etc)
1984-1989 – Secretary, Departmental Board
1986- 1989 – Member, College Security Committee
1987-1989 – Departmental Representative for Marking of Entrance Script
1996-2002 – Departmental Project Coordinatior
2005-2010 – Ag. Head of Department of Biology
2006 – Member, Panel on Change of Scores in General Studies Department
2008 – Member, Panel on Unethical Manoeuvring of Student’s Result in
PES Department
2008-2013 – Member, University Council (Representing Senate)
2008 – Member, University Finance and General Purpose Committee
2008 – Member, Council Committee on Review of Irregular SPAT Employment
2009 – Member, Management Panel on Dr. Ohochukwu’s Protest
2009 – Chairman, Management Panel on Irregularities in the Students’
Affairs Office of the University
2010 – Member, Management Panel to Investigate Petition against
Dr. Livinus Ogbondah.
2010 – till date – Member, University of Education Senate
2010 – Member, Management Panel on Admission Irregularities/Fraud
from 2003/2004-2008/2009
2010-2013 – Ag. Dean, Faculty of Natural and Applied Science
2011 – Member, Council Committee on Review of University Statutes
2013-2015 – Dean, Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences
2015-2016 – Member, Senate Committee on Admissions
2015-2019 – Chairman, University Conditions of Service Technical Committee
2015 – 2019 – Director, Information and Communication Technology Centre
2017 – Member, Committee to draw up criteria for Promotion of
Academic Staff of the University
2018 – Chairman, Senate Committee on LMA
2018 till date – Chairman, Turn-It-In Exercise Committee
2018 – till date – Member, Senate Committee on Appointment of Emeritus
-20 Professor
2019 – 2021 – Dean, Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences
2019 – till date – Member, University Anti-Sorting Committee
Present Employer: – Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Rumuolumeni, Port
Date of Appointment: – 12-10-1982
Date of Last Promotion: – 01-10-2012
Type of Job: – Lecturing
Present Status: – Professor (Plant Physiology)
1977-1981 – (Dean’s Honours List (University of Port Harcourt)
1987 (i) Certificate of Recognition for Contribution to Education by Rivers
State Government.
2006 (ii) Certificate of Honour as Grand Patron by National Association of
Biological Science Student IAUE branch.
2007 (iii) The Woman of Merit Gold Award
2013 (iv) Award of excellence for remarkable support by Nigerian Institute of
2016 (v) Meritorious Award of support to the students’ union & academic welfare
2017 (vi) Special Award for Meritorious service as a Dean of the Faculty of Science
- Associate Editor, American-Eurasian Journal of Agriculture and Medicine (AEJM)
- Member, American-Eurasian Network for Scientific Information (AENS)
- Member, Institute of Biology, United Kingdom
- Member, Horticultural Society of Nigeria
- Member, Farm Managers of Nigeria
- Member, Nigerian Society for Botanical Conservation
- Member, Women in Colleges of Education (WICE)
- Member, Women in Science, Mathematics and Technology
- Member, Society of Teachers Association of Nigeria
- Member, Nigeria Association of Female Teachers
- Member, Institute of Corporate Administration of Nigeria
- Member, Botanical Association of Nigeria
- Member, Science Association of Nigeria
- – Member, Nigerian Institute of Management
– Returning Officer for INEC (1999)
– Master Trainer, Population and Family Life Education Programme, Rivers State
– Reporteur, Retreat Organized by Rivers State Agency for Re-Orientation, Integrity, Service
And Ethics for Top Government Functionaries.
- Member, Women Ministry, Assemblies of God Church
- Member, School Management Committee, Army Children Model School 1, GRA, Port Harcourt
- Facilitator, Training of Peer Educators in Research Issues Organized by Rivers State Ministry of Education in Collaboration with UNFPA.
- Member, Governing Council of the Federal Agricultural Research Institute, Zaria (2013)
9. RESEARCH INTEREST: Plant Stress Physiology and Bioremediation of Polluted Soils
1. Onwugbuta-Enyi, J.A. (2003). Intoductory Plant Physiology: Double Diamond
Publishers Port Harcourt.
2. Onwugbuta-Enyi, J.A. (2004) A Survey of the Algae. Celwill Nigeria Limited, Port Harcourt.
3. Green B.O. & Onwugbuta-Enyi, J.A. (2009). Life forms, Structures and Adaptation in seed
plant. Zelon Publisher, Port Harcourt
4. Onwugbuta-Enyi, J.A., Ogbonda, K.H, Bob-Manuel, R.B., & Bob-Manuel, F.G. (2011). Basic
BiologyII. Anachuna Educational Books, Port Harcourt.
5. Onwugbuta-Enyi, J.A. (2014). Anatomy and Physiology of Plants. Anachuna Educational Books, Port Harcourt
6. Onwugbuta-Enyi, J.A., Ogbonda, K.H, Bob-Manuel, R.B., & Bob-Manuel, F.G. (2019). Essentials of Biology. Magopress. Port Harcourt.
Chapters in Books:
7. Onwugbuta-Enyi, J.A. (1996). An Overview of Plant Science: In G.A. Odili (Ed): Reading
Science and Mathematics Education for the Teacher; Pp 107-113.
Journal Articles:
8. Onwugbuta-Enyi, J.A. (1998). The effect of Ludwigia repens leaf water extract on Oxidative
Phosphorylation activities in the seedlings of Arachis hypogaea. Journal of Pedagogy
and Development (Joped) 5(1&2). 53-56
9. Onwugbuta-Enyi, J.A. (1999). Comparative effects of flooding on Cowpea (Vigna
ungiculata) and Soybean (Glycine Max 1. Merrid) Nig. Journal of Botany 12 (1). 73-78.
10. Onwugbuta-Enyi, J.A. (1999). Effect of water logging and B-nine (a growth retardant) on
peanut (Arachis hypogaea 1. Var. M194) Journal of Pedagogy and Development
(Joped) 6(1). 81-85
11. Onwugbuta-Enyi, J.A. & George, T. S. (2000). Water Balance and growth of flooded
Zea mays 1. Seedlings: Journal of Pedagogy and Development Joped) 7(1 & 2).
12. Onwugbuta-Enyi, J.A. & Ibe, A. E. (2000). Some factors affecting tolerance of three species
of red mangrove(Rhizophora spp.) to Phylloplane mycoflora: African Journal of
Interdisciplinary studies: 1 (1 & 2). 31-36
13. Onwugbuta-Enyi, J.A. (2001). Allelopathic Effect of Chromolaena Adarota L (R.M. King
and Robinson) on Tomatoes (Lycopersicum esculentum): Journal of Applied Science
and Environmental Management. (JASFM ) 5. (1). 68-73
14. Onuegbu, B. A. Ibe A.E & Onwugbuta-Enyi, J.A. (2001). Effects of water extract of flowers
of Balsam. (impatiens bassamina) on in-vitro germination and growth of fungus
(Sclerotium rofsii Sacc): Nig. J. Hort. Sc.5. (1).114-118
15. Onuegbu, B. A.& Onwugbuta-Enyi, J.A. & Ibe A.E (2002). Effect of Gmelina arborea
Windbreaks on incidence and severity of black sigatoka of plantain (Musa spp. Aab
group). Niger Delta Biologia. 4 (1). 37
16. Onwugbuta-Enyi, J.A. (2004). Water balance and proximate composition in cowpea (Vigna
Unguiculata Waip): Journal of Applied Science and Environmental Management
(JASFM ) 8. (2). 55-57
17. Onwugbuta-Enyi, J.A. (2004). Dehydration and membrane leakage in Glycine max (L)
Seeds. Interdisciplinary Journal of Academic Architects in Nigeria 1. (2). 71-79
18. Onwugbuta-Enyi, J.A. (2005). Bio-control of growth inhibition in Soyabean (Glycine max)
using plant residues in oil polluted. Comprehensive Journal of Science and Technology
3. (1). 43-47
19. Onwugbuta-Enyi, J.A. (2005). The effects of Ludwigia repens leaf water extract on foliar
Pigments of Arachis hypogaea. Interdisciplinary Journal of Research Initiators. 1 (1).
20. Ezekiel, P.O. Offor, U.S & Onwugbuta-Enyi, J.A. (2005). Vegetative growth response of
Upland Rice to Palm bunch ash application. Journal of Vocational Education and
Technology. 2 (2). 59-69
21. Offor, U.S., Akuonye, L.A., Onwugbuta-Enyi, J.A. (2006). Effect of organic agriculture on degradation and toxicity of petroleum contaminated soil. International journal of Science, Vocational and business studies, 5 (2), 70-77
22. Onwugbuta-Enyi, J.A., Ezekiel, P.O. Offor, U.S &. Kpekot, A.K. (2007). Photosynthetic
Response of Soybean (Glycine max) seedlings exposed to mild water stress.
Journal of Vocational Education and Technology. 4 (1 & 2). 27-32
23. Onwugbuta-Enyi, J.A. (2007). Effect of changing leaf area by parial defoliation on dry matter
Production. West African Journal of Pedagogy and Educational and Development.
1 (1 & 2). 91-96
24. Onwugbuta-Enyi, J.A. (2007). Changes in the Keto and Amino-Acid contents of Soybean
(Glycine max Merril) under the influence of Sodium Chloride. Indisciplinary Journal
of Research Initiators 3 (2). 279-289
25. Onwugbuta-Enyi, J.A., Onuegbu, B. A & Zuofa, K. (2008). Edaphic factors and survival
of a red mangrove species.(Rhizophora mangle) in two mangrove swamp soil. African
Journal of Plant Science (AJPS) 2 (3). 049-051
26. Offor, U.S., Akonye, L. A. & Onwugbuta-Enyi, J.A. (2008). Evaluation of the growth and
Productivity of Zea mays using NPK 15:15:15 and poultry. The International
Chercheur. 1 (1). 92-99
27. Onwugbuta-Enyi, J.A., Joseph, E. A. & Kpkot. A. K.(2008). The role of guidance and
Counselling services in adult education: Implication for STME Curriculum
Development in tertiary institution in Rivers State: New Era Research Journal of
Human, Educational and Sustainable Development. 1 (2). 1-9
28. Offor, U.S., Onwugbuta-Enyi, J.A. & Akonye, L. A. (2008). Plant species responses to oil
Degradation and toxicity reduction in soil. African Journal of Biotechnology 8 (1),
29. Onwugbuta-Enyi, J.A. & Offor, U.S. (2008). Effect of salt stress on growth and ion content
of two maize (Zea mays) lines deffering in salt tolerance. International Journal of
Bioscience.3 (4). 81-84
30. Onwugbuta-Enyi, J.A. & Kpkot. A. K. (2008). Flooding tolerance and sugar level in
cassava (Manihot esculenta). Acta Agronomica Nigeriana. 8 (1), 7-12.
31. Onwugbuta-Enyi, J.A. & Offor, U.S. (2008). Effect of salt stress on growth and ion content
of two maize (Zea mays) lines deffering in salt tolerance. International Journal of
Microbiology..3 (4). 81-84
32. Onwugbuta-Enyi, J.A. & Offor, U.S. (2008). Impact of climatic changes on the
Photosynthetic responses of Soybean (Glyine max) in Port Harcourt City, Rivers
State. Cross Continental Journal of Engineering, Science Technology 4 (1). 64-72
33. Onwugbuta-Enyi, J.A., Offor, U.S &. Kpekot, A.K. (2009). Physico-Chemical control
lettus (Lactuca sativa L.W. Sultuns 1) seed deterioration. Acta Agronomica
9 (1 & 2). 12-16.
34. Offor, U.S., Akonye, L. A, Onwugbuta-Enyi, J.A. & Agbagwa, C. (2009). Effects of
organic agriculture on the degradation and toxicity of petroleum contaminated
soil. International Journal of Science; Vocational and Business Studies 5 (2), 70-77
35. Onwugbuta-Enyi, J.A., Zabbey N. &. Erondu E.S. (2009). Water quality of Bodo Creek
in the lower Niger Delta Basin. Advances in Environmental Biology 2 (3). 132-136.
36 Onwugbuta-Enyi, J.A., & Onuegbu B.A. (2009). Remediation of Dredge Spoils with organic
Soil amendments using Paspalum vaginata L as a test crop. Advances in
Environmental Biology 2 (3). 121-123
37. Green B.O. & Onwugbuta-Enyi, J.A. (2009). Phloem Mechanism in Terminalia catappa
and Coscus macifera and their implications in the continuity of the Rain Forest.
World Journal of of Agricultural Sciences 5 (1). 132-134
38. Offor, U.S., Onwugbuta-Enyi, J.A., & Akonye, L. A. (2009). Potentials of Aquatic
Macrophytes (E. Cressipes) mulch on the growth and yield of Abelmoschus esclentus.
International Journal of Agriculture 1 (1): 37-40
39. Onwugbuta-Enyi, J.A., & Offor, U.S. (2010). Relationship between growth and ion relation
in Pearl Miller (Pennistum glancum) at different stages of growth under salt stress.
Universal Journal on Sustainable Developmental Research 7 (3): 52-58.
40. Onwugbuta-Enyi, J.A. & Kpkot. A. K. (2010). Effects of hydration-dehydration on the
Growth and pod yield of Soybean (Glycine max L merrl.). Seedlings under two
moisture regimes. International Journal of Biological Science 2 (2),56-60.
41. Onwugbuta-Enyi, J.A., & Offor, U.S &. Kpekot, A.K. (2010). Effects of Lead on seedling
Growth in Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L) Acta Agronomica Nigeriana 10 (1) 143-
42. Onwugbuta-Enyi, J.A., & Offor, U.S. (2010). Effects of Palm Bunch Ash on the seed
Germination, seedling growth and biochemical parameter of Soybean. Journal of
Agriculture and Social Research 10 (1): 143-147.
43. Onwugbuta-Enyi, J.A., & Offor, U.S. (2010). The effect of Ludwigia repens leaf water
extract on ATPase and Oxidative Photophosphory activities in the seedlings of
Arachis hypogaea. Journal of Agriculture and Social Research 10 (2): 58-64
44. Onwugbuta-Enyi, J.A., & Offor, U.S. (2010). Effect of temperature on germination
characteristics and seed reserve mobilization in wheat cultivars. International
Journal of Science, Vocational and Business Studies. 6 (3&4): 113-120
45. Onwugbuta-Enyi, J.A., & Offor, U.S. (2010). Growth and ion Transfer in maize seedlings
Subjected to Nacl stress at different stages of growth. Universal Journal on
Sustainable Development. 7 (3): 52-58
46. Offor, U.S., & Onwugbuta-Enyi, J.A., (2011). Bostimulative effects of water hyacinth (E
cressipes) on the germination and development of Abelmuschus esculentus grown in a
crude oil contaminated soil. International Journal of Agriculture. 3(4): 9-11
47. Onwugbuta-Enyi, J.A. (2011). Effect of the use of slideshow and plant trail on the secondary
School student’s botanical knowledge and interest in Port Harcourt, Rivers State
Universal Journal on Sustainable Development. 8(1): 15-22
48. Offor, U.S., Akonye, L. A., & Onwugbuta-Enyi, J.A. (2011). Sawdust: An Innovative
Biological Product for Bio-remediation. International Journal of Biological Science
3(2): 129-130.
49. Offor, U.S., Onwugbuta-Enyi, J.A., & Akonye, L.A., (2015). Growth tolerance of horticultural crops to Gas flaring in Ogba Egbema/Ndoni Local Government Area, Rivers State Nature and Science 13 (8): 94-96
50. Onwugbuta-Enyi, J. A. & Gbarabe D.G. (2017). Comparative Effect of NPK 15:15:15 and Poultry Droppings on some Growth and Morphological Traits of Telferia occidentalis Hook fil. The International Journal of Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Science Education 2(1): 114-126
51. Agina-Obu,, T.N. & Onwugbuta-Enyi, J.A. (2017). Teaching and Measuring teaching
performance in Science. Journal of Education and Society. 7(3): 52-58.
52. Onwugbuta-Enyi, J.A. & Kpekot, K.A. (2018). Mitigating Plant-nutrient Stress Using Oil Palm Bunch Ash (OPBA).The International Journal of Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Science Education 3(1&2): 53-59
53. Onwugbuta-Enyi, J.A. & Amadi, R. (2018). Effect of Crude Oil Spill on the Growth and Development of Arachis hypogea The International Journal of Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Science Education 3(1&3): 91-93
* ( Foreign Journals)
Conference Papers
1. Onwugbuta-Enyi, J.A. (2007). Effective teaching – a tool for national development. A paper
Presented at the 2nd Annual Conference of the National Association of Female
Teachers at Abuja
2. Onwugbuta-Enyi, J.A. (2007). Effects of Ultraviolet Radiation on growth and water relations
in droughted Soybean (Glycine max L) A Paper presented at the 17th Annual
Conference of Botanical Society of Nigeria (BSON) at EBSTU
3. Offor, U.S., Onwugbuta-Enyi, J.A., & Amakor, E. (2010): Ginger (Zinger officinale) –
From floor to table in an African Society – Ikwerre Ethnic Nationality of Rivers
State. A Paper presented at 3rd International Conference on Research and
Development, Accra, Ghana
4. Onwugbuta-Enyi, J.A. (2018). Harnessing Science, Technology and Innovation:
Setting the Scene. A Paper presented at the 2nd Annual interventional conference
of the Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences, Port Harcourt, Rivers State Nigeria.
(g) Conferences and Workshop Attended
– Participant in the 15th Annual Conference of the Horticultural Society of Nigeria
(HORTSON). 1997
– Participant in the 17th Annual Conference of the Horticultural Society of Nigeria
(HORTSON). 1999
– Participant in the 23rd Annual Conference of the Horticultural Society of Nigeria
(HORTSON). 2005
– Participant in the 2nd Annual Conference of the National Association Female
Teachers held at Abuja, 2007
– Participant in the 19th Annual National Conference of the Association for promoting
Quality Education held at Port Harcourt, 2007.
– Participant in the 17th Annual Conference of Botanical Society of Nigeria held at
Abakiliki, 2008
– Participant in the 49th Annual Conference of the Science Teachers Association of
Nigeria held at Yenagoa, Bayelsa State, 2008.
– Participant in the 50th Annual Conference of the Science Teachers Association of
Nigeria held at Minna, Niger State, 2009
– Participant in the 51st Annual Conference of the Science Teachers Association of
Nigeria held at Makurdi, Benue State. 2010.
– Participant in the 3rd International Conference on Research and Development Accra,
Ghana .2010
– Participant in the 1st Annual Conference of International Conference on Science
Sustainable Development, held at Porto Novo, Republic of Benin, 2011
– Participant in the 29th Annual Conference of Hurston Association of Nigeria held at
Nigeria held at Makurdi, Benue State. 2011.
– Participant in the 4th Annual International Conference of Research and Development.
Togo 2011.
– Participant in the 20th Annual Conference of Botanical Society of Nigeria (BOSON)
held at Awka, Anambra State. 2011.
– Participant in the 52nd Annual Conference of the Science Teachers Association of
Nigeria held at Akure, Ondo State. 2011.
– Participant in the 30th Annual Conference of Teaching Professors Technology
Conference held at Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 2016
– Participant in the 2nd Annual Conference of Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences of Ignatius Ajuru University of Education held at Rumulumeni, Port Harcourt, 2018.
– Participant in the 28th Annual Conference of Botanical Society of Nigeria (BOSON)
held at Kaduna Federal University of Kashere, Gombe State, 2021.
– Participant in the 61st Annual Conference of the Science Teachers Association of
Nigeria held on-line, 2021
– Participant in the Capacity-Building Workshop of the Centre for Petroleum, Pollution Control and Corrosion Studies held at Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Port Harcourt, 2021
– Participant in the Digital Literacy and Certification Programme for Academic Staff of Nigerian Universities held at Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Port Harcourt, 2021.
- Prof. Ozo-Mekuri, Ndimele
(Former Vice-Chancellor)
Ignatius Ajuru University of Education
P.M.B. 5047, Port Harcourt
- Prof. K. H. Ogbonda
Department of Biology
Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences
Ignatius Ajuru University of Education,
P.M.B. 5047, Port Harcourt.
- Prof. S. A. Otamiri
Department of Secretarial Studies
Faculty of Business Studies
Ignatius Ajuru University of Education,
P.M.B. 5047, Port Harcourt.
Signature and Date
- Associate Editor, American-Eurasian Journal of Agriculture and Medicine (AEJM)
- Member, American-Eurasian Network for Scientific Information (AENS)
- Member, Institute of Biology, United Kingdom
- Member, Horticultural Society of Nigeria
- Member, Farm Managers of Nigeria
- Member, Nigerian Society for Botanical Conservation
- Member, Women in Science, Mathematics and Technology
- Member, Society of Teachers Association of Nigeria
- Member, Institute of Corporate Administration of Nigeria
- Member, Botanical Association of Nigeria
- Member, Science Association of Nigeria
- Member, Nigerian Institute of Management
Rivers State University of Science and Technology (now Rivers State University)