Faculty of Natural and Applied Science/Office and Information Management
THE STUDENT OF IGNATIUS AJURU UNIVERSITYOffice and Information Management BuildingClick HereOffice and Information Management LabClick Here
Office and Information Management
HOD Profile
Past HOD
Staff Profile
Admission Requirements
Office and Information Management
The Department of Office and Information Management, IGNAT1US AJURU UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION, Port Harcourt was established as a full-fledged Department in the Faculty of Management Sciences. In 2016 due to the rapid advancement in Information Communication Technology (ICT) had compelled a need to expand the curriculum of the department. The expansion warranted a change in the name of the department to reflect innovations in the curriculum. The new name necessitated by the innovations is Office and Information Management (OIM). The innovations that warranted the change of name also prompted the drawing up of a proposal for the commencement of a Post Graduate programme in the department.
The Bachelor of Science degree in Office and Information Management is designed to develop the mind, impact both theoretical and practical knowledge, skills and competence in the individual student. It is also geared towards the development of innovative ability in the field of Office and Information Management (OIM). Products of this programme will partner with Chief Executives/Organizational Stakeholders in both public and private sector institutions/organizations for effective running of organizations/enterprises. Through course offering, the B.Sc. Office and Information Management Programme aims at preparing professionals who can effectively perform tasks as Office Administrators, Information Managers, and Executive Secretaries, and contribute to the economic, social and ethical progress of the nation. It also provides a thorough grounding in modem trends and practices in Computers, Telecommunications Technologies and Office skills.
In addition to the above, the trust of the Programme is the comprehensive and thorough treatment of the contemporary Office Administration, Information Management and Executive Secretarial procedures in line with the developed nations. The combined approach results in the production of graduates who would cope effectively with the challenges of rapidly changing and complex, as well as sophisticated modern corporate environment. To effectively achieve this, they would have been academically grounded, skill oriented, computer literate, and attitudinally well attuned.
High skilled Office Administrators, Information Managers, and Executive Secretaries have since been recognized as important members of the management team in both the public and private sectors of the nation’s economy, the legal and medical profession, communication media and other areas of contemporary society. The programme therefore possesses not only a thorough mastery of skills but also equips Office Administrators, Information Manages, and Executive Secretaries with the best office administration and technological practices and procedures as demanded by the office of the twenty-first century.
In specific terms, potential graduates would be properly trained in the:
• management of information;
• management of facilities
• techniques of information management;
• modem information processing techniques;
• application and maintenance;
• office employees behaviour
• understanding and avoidance of negative behaviours.
Our vision /mission are to ensure that our graduates achieve any of these:
i. Employed as competent Office manager
ii. Employ as competent Information manager
iii. Self reliant operators of their private secretarial skills.
Admission Requirements of the Department:
The programme last for four academic years for JAMB UTME candidates and three years for direct entry students. The minimum entry requirement into the undergraduate programme of the department of office and information Management shall be the General Certificate Education, SSCE, NECO, NABTEB or other acceptable examination bodies approved by the University senate with credit in five subjects must include: English Language, Mathematics, Economics, and two others in the social sciences or Arts.
While students for a three year- degree programme (Direct Entry) should possess either:
i. NCE in Office and Information Management
ii. GCE A/L in any two relevant subjects or 2 Diploma in Business Administration and in addition, 5 O/L credit passes.
HOD Profile

Dr. Mrs Dumo Nkesi Opara
Dr. Mrs Dumo Nkesi Opara is the current Head of Department and a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Office and Information Management, Faculty of Management Sciences, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education Rumuolumeni PortHacourt. Qualifications: BSc Secretarial Administration, Master of Business Administration in Management, Master of Science in Organizational Behavior in Management, Doctor of Philosophy in Organizational Behavior in Management. Specialization: Human Behavior in Organization and Information Management.
Past HOD
Past HOD’s
[table “15” not found /]Courses
Office and Information Management
Offers Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) and Bachelor of Science Education (B.Sc.Ed) degree in Office and Information Management
Staff Profile
Staff Profile
[table “23” not found /] Admission Requirements
Dr. Mrs. Dumo Nkesi Opara