Prof. Ozioma A. Ekpete
Dean, Natural and Applied Science
Academic Qualification
- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
- Master of Science (M.Sc)
- Certificate in Computer Operations
- Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) (Hons) Biochemistry
- West Africa School Certificate (WASC)
- First School Leaving Certificate (FSLC)
Academic Qualification
- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) – Biochemistry (Pharmacological) – 2010
- Master of Science (M.Sc) – Biochemistry – 2001
- Certificate in Computer Operations (Cert. Comp. Ops.) – 1994
- Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) (Hons) Biochemistry – 1991
- West Africa School Certificate (WASC) Ordinary Level – 1987
- First School Leaving Certificate (FSLC) – 1981
Honours / Awards
Membership of Professional bodies
- The Nigerian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (NSBMB)
- West African Society for Pharmacology.
- Nigeria Society for Biological Conservation
Courses Assigned to Teach
- BCH 303
- BCH 507
- BCH 312
- BCH 801/901
- BCH 802/902
Work Experience
- National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) (1992-1993).
- General Manager: Sparks Television Ltd. (1995-2000).
- Assistant Lecturer: Department of Biochemistry, Imo State University Owerri. January 2001-2002
- Assistant Lecturer: Department of Biochemistry, Federal University of Technology Owerri. January 2002-2005
- Lecturer II: Department of Biochemistry, Federal University of Technology Owerri October 2005-2008.
- Lecturer I: Department of Biochemistry, Federal University of Technology Owerri October 2008-2011.
- Senior Lecturer: Department of Biochemistry, Federal University of Technology Owerri October 2011-14.
- Reader: Department of Biochemistry, Federal University of Technology Owerri October 2014 – 2017.
- Professor: Department of Biochemistry, Federal University of Technology Owerri October, 2017- till date.
Research Interest
Has sufficient interest in Ethno-medicine, Radiation and health and Environmental Biochemistry, Bio-fuels, Raw materials. He is a member of Bio-fuels research group with interest in Production of Bio-diesel with higher efficiency using Domestic Wastes as raw materials. He is a member of the Functional Foods Research group and has partnered the Radiation and Health Physics research group in a search for the protection of Albinos against UV-radiations from the Sun.
- Ibegbulem, C.O., C.S. Alisi, C.S. and O.M. Anyaebgu (2004). Influence of Different Storage Conditions on the Quality Attributes of Kunu and Brukutu. Journal of Agric and Food Sciences 1 (2): 107-113.ISSN:1597 – 1074Publishers: Faculty of Agric. and Vet. Medicine Imo State University Country: Nigeria
- Alisi, C. S. Nwaogu, L. A. and Alisi P. N. (2005). Human Glucose – 6- phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency and Haemoglobin Genotypes in Owerri. Bio-Research 3 (2):
php/br.ISSN:1596-7409. : Faculty of Biol. Sciences University of Nigeria /African journals Online (AJOL).Country: Nigeria/Zimbabwe.Publishers - Nweke, C. O., Okolo, J.C., Nwanyanwu C. E., and Alisi, C. S. (2006) Response of planktonic bacteria of New Calabar River to zinc stress. African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 5 (8): 653-658.URL: ISSN: 1684-5315.Publishers: Academic Journals Country: Nigeria, Kenya.
- Nwaogu, L. A., Alisi, C. S. and Ibegbulem, C. O. (2006). Evaluation of b-Carotene Contents of Five Nigerian Indigenous Fruits. Plant Product Research Journal. 10:
php/pprj.ISSN : 1119-2283.Publishers: African journals Online (AJOL). Country: Zimbabwe - Nweke, C. O., Alisi, C. S., Okolo, J.C., and Nwanyanwu C. E. (2007) Toxicity of zinc to heterotrophic bacteria from tropical river sediment. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 5(1): 123-132. URL: 1589-1623. e-ISSN: 1785-0037. Publishers: Budapest: Corvinus University of Budapest, Landscape Architecture and Landscape Ecology PhD School. Country: Hungary.
- Nwaogu, L. A., Alisi, C. S. and Ibegbulem, C. O., and Igwe, C. U. (2007) Phytochemical and Antimicrobial Activity of Ethanolic Extract of Landolphiaowariensis leaves. African Journal of Biotechnology 6(7): 890-893. URL: ISSN: 1684-5315.Publishers: Academic JournalsCountry: Nigeria, Kenya.
- Nwaogu, L. A., Alisi, C. S. and Ibegbulem, C. O., and Igwe, C. U. (2007) A Comparative Study of The Antimicrobial properties of the Ethanolic Extracts of Landolphiaowariensis leaf and root. African Journal of Biotechnology 7(4): 368-372.URL: ISSN: 1684-5315.Publishers: Academic JournalsCountry: Nigeria, Kenya.
- Nwaogu, L. A., Alisi, C. S.. and Ojiako, O.A. (2008) Studies on the Nutritional and Phytochemical Properties of Persea Americana. Seed. Bio-Research 6(1):
index.php/br.ISSN:1596-7409. : African journals Online (AJOL).Country: ZimbabwePublishers - Alisi, C.S., Emejulu, A. A., Alisi, P. N.C., Nwaogu, L. A. and Onyema, O. O. (2008)Decreased cardiovascular risk and resistance to hyperlipemia-induced hepatic damage in rats by aqueous extract of Urticadioica. Afr. Journ. Biochem. Res.2: 102-106.URL:
SSN : 1996-0778.Publishers: Academic JournalsCountry: Nigeria, Kenya. - Alisi, C.S., Nwanyanwu, C. E., Akujobi, C. O., and Ibegbulem, C. O. (2008) Inhibition of dehydrogenase activity in pathogenic bacteria isolates by aqueous extracts of Musa paradisiaca (VarSapientum). Afr. Journ. Biotech.7(12): 1684–5315.URL: ISSN: 1684-5315. Publishers: Academic JournalsCountry: Nigeria, Kenya.
- Alisi, C.S., and Onyeze, G.O.C. (2008) Nitric oxide scavenging ability of ethyl acetate fraction of methanolic leaf extracts of Chromolaenaodorata (Linn.). Afr.Journ. Bioch. Res.2:145-150. URL:
SSN : 1996-0778.Publishers: Academic JournalsCountry: Nigeria, Kenya. - Akujobi, C.O., Ogbulie, J.N, Alisi, C.S. (2008) Occurrence of extended-spectrum β-lactamases in Escherichia coli isolated from piggery farms in Imo State, Nigeria. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 24: 2167-2170. DOI:10.1007/s11274-008-9726-
2URL: –ISSN: 1573-0972.Publishers: Springer Science+Business Media UK Ltd.Country: Londonbiotechnology/journal/11274. ISSN:0959-3993e - Nwaogu, L.A., Onyeze, C.E., Alisi, C.S., Ijeh, I.I. and Onyeze, G.O.C. (2008) Petroleum Hydrocarbon-induced Changes in Tissues of the Native Fowl (Gallus domesticus) Following Chronic Exposure. Nigerian Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 23 (1): 42-46URL:www.njbmb. .ISSN:0189-4757 Publishers: Nigerian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular BiologyCountry: Nigeria - Orji, J.C., Nweke, C.O., Nawbueze, R.N., Nwanyanwu, C.E., Alisi, C.S., Etim-Osowo, E.N. (2009) Production and properties of α-amylase from Citrobacter species. RevistaAmbiente& Agua 4(1): 45-57.
aguae-ISSN:1980- de PesquisasAmbientaisemBaciasHid993XPublishers:Instituto rográficas Country: Brazil - Alisi, C. S. and Onyeze, G.O. C. (2009). Biochemical Mechanisms of Wound Healing Using Extracts ofChromolaenaodorata-Linn. Nigerian Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 24 (1): 22-29.URL:www.njbmb. .ISSN:0189-4757Publishers : Nigerian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular BiologyCountry: Nigeria - Alisi, C.S. (2010) Oxidative breakdown of polyunsaturated fatty acids in Human Hair. Nigerian Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 25 (1): 59-64.URL:www.njbmb. . ISSN: 0189-4757 Publishers: Nigerian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Country: Nigeria - Ujowndu, C.O., Kalu, F.N. Okafor, E.O., Agha, N.C., Alisi, C.S. and Nwogukpe, R.N. (2010) Evaluation of the Chemical Composition of Darcryodesedulis (G.don) Seeds. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences. 4(4): 1225-1233.
bcs. ISSN: 1991-8631, e-ISSN: 1997-342X. Publishers: African journals Online (AJOL). Country: Zimbabwe - Alisi, P. Nc., Buseri, F.I. and Alisi, C.S. (2011) Oxidative stress as a significant contributor in the pathogenesis and white cell changes in pre-eclampsia: A study in Owerri, Nigeria. Journal of Research in Biology 3: 202-208.URL: ISSN: 2231-6280. e-ISSN: 2231-6299 Publishers: Ficus publishers and Bioindica. Country: India
- Alisi, C.S., Nwaogu, L.A. Ibegbulem C.O. and Ujowundu C.U. (2011). Antimicrobial Action of Methanol Extract of ChromolaenaOdorata-Linn is Logistic and Exerted by Inhibition of Dehydrogenase Enzymes. Journal of Research in Biology. 3: 209-216.URL: ISSN: 2231-6280. e-ISSN: 2231-6299Publishers: Ficus publishers and Bioindica. Country: India
- Alisi, C.S., Ojiako, A.O., Onyeze, G.O.C. and Osuagwu, C.G. (2011). The normalisation of lipoprotein phenotypes by Chromolaenaodorata-Linn in carbon tetrachloride hepatotoxicity-induced dyslipidaemia. American Journal of Drug Discovery and Development. 1(4): 209-219.DOI:10.3923/ajdd.2011.
209.219URL: http://scialert. net/abstract/?doi= ajdd.2011.209.219. ISSN: 2150-427x. e-ISSN: 2150-4296 Publishers: Academic Journals Inc., USA - Alisi, C.S., Onyeze, G.O.C. Ojiako, A.O., and Osuagwu, C.G. (2011). Evaluation of the Protective Potential ofChromolaenaodorataLinn. Extract on Carbon Tetrachloride-Induced Oxidative Liver Damage. International Journal of Biochemistry Research & Review 1(3): 69-81.URL:
download.php?f=1311584439. Publishers: SCIENCEDOMAIN international. Country: USA, Britain, and IndiaAlisietal2011IJBcRR.pdf&aid= 160 - Alisi, C.S., Ojiako, A.O., Osuagwu, C.G. and Onyeze, G.O.C. (2011).Free Radical Scavenging and In-vitro Antioxidant Effects of Ethanol Extract of the Medicinal Herb ChromolaenaodorataLinn.British Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 1(4): 141-155.DOI:10.9734/BJPR/2014/
409, URL: . ISSN: 2231-2919. Publishers: SCIENCEDOMAIN international. Country: USA, Britain, and India. - Alisi, C.S., Ojiako, A.O., Osuagwu, C.G. and Onyeze, G.O.C. (2011).Response Pattern of Antioxidants to Lipid Peroxide Concentration in Carbon Tetrachloride-Induced Hepato-Toxicity is Tightly Logistic in Rabbits. European Journal of Medicinal Plants1(4): 118-129.URL:http://www. ISSN: 2231-0894. Publishers: SCIENCEDOMAIN international. Country: USA, Britain, and - Nwaogu, L.A., Agha, N.C., Alisi, C.S. and Ihejirika, C.E. (2011). Investigation on the effect of cassava effluent-polluted soil on germination, emergence and oxidative stress parameters of Telferiaoccidentalis. Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences. 1(6): 104-111.URL: journal-of-biodiversity-and-
environmental-sciences-jbes ISSN: 2220-6663 e-ISSN: 2222-3045 Publishers: International Network for Natural Sciences Country: Bangladesh - Nwaogu, L.A., Alisi, C.S., Ibegbulem, C.O., and Iwueke, A.V. (2011). Investigation on the effect of palm oil effluent on the early growth and oxidative stress parameters on Telferiaoccidentalis leaves following chronic exposure. Nigeria Journal of Science and Environment. 10(3): 130-135. ISSN:1119 – 9008Publishers: Faculties of Sciences and Agric. Delta State University AbrakaCountry: Nigeria
- Ojiako, O.A.; Anugweje, K.; Igwe, C.U., Ogbuji, C.A., Alisi, C.S. and Ujowundu, C.O. (2012). Anti-sickling potential and amino acid profile of extracts from lagenariasphaerica, Mucunapruriens and CucurbitapepovarStyriaca from Nigeria. Journal of Research in Biochemistry. 1:049-055. URL:www.jbiochemistry.comISSN: 2231-6280. e-ISSN: 2231-6299Publishers: Bioindicaand CompanyCountry: India
- Onyema, O.O., Alisi, C.S. and Ihetuge, A.P. (2012). Monosodium glutamate induces oxidative stress and affects glucose metabolism in the kidney of rats. International Journal of Biochemistry Research & Review.2(1): 1-11. URL:http://www.sciencedomain.
org/issue.php?id=3 ISSN: 2231-086X. Publishers: SCIENCEDOMAIN international. Country: USA, Britain, and India. - Alisi, C.S. and Abanobi, S.E.(2012). Antimicrobial properties of Euphorbia hyssopifoliaand Euphorbia hirta against pathogens complicit in the wound, typhoid and urinary tract infections. International Journal ofTropical Disease and Health.2(2): 72-86.URL:http://www. ISSN: 2278-1005. Publishers: SCIENCEDOMAIN international. Country: USA, Britain, and - Ojiako, O.A., Anugweje, K., Igwe, C.U., and Alisi, C.S. (2012).Evaluation of the amino acid profile and haemoglobin polymerization inhibition potential of some Nigerian legumes. British Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 2(2): 80-88.URL:http://www. ISSN: 2231-2919 Publishers: SCIENCEDOMAIN international. Country: USA, Britain, and - Ibegbulem, C.O. Nwaogu, L.A., Alisi, C.S., Igwe, C.U., Egbung, G.E. and Chikezie, P.C. (2012). Anti-aggregation effects of processed yellow and white garriaqueous filtrates on sickle cell trait haemoglobin. Journal of Research in Biochemistry. 1: 047- 052.URL:www.ficuspublishers.
com/JRBC.php , www.jbiochemistry.comISSN: 2231-6280.Publishers: Ficus publishers and Bioindica. Country: India - Nwoguikpe, R.N., Alisi, C.S., Ujowundu, C.O. and Emejulu, A.A. (2012). Synergistic effect of some Antisickling agents. InstaSci. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2(1):18-26.URL:http://www.
instasci.infoISSN : 2277- 6958Publishers:InstaSciJournals Country: India - Ibegbulem, C.O., Alisi, C.S., Nwankpa, P., Amadi, B.A., Agiang, M.A. and Ekam, V.S.(2012). Medicinal values of Elaeisguineensis and Raphiahookeri wines.Journal of Research in Biology 2(6): 589-595.ISSN: 2231-6280. e-ISSN: 2231-6299 Publishers: Ficus publishers and Bioindica. Country: India
- Nwanyanwu, C.E., Alisi, C.S., Nweke, C.O. and Orji, J.C.(2012).Cell Surface Properties Of Phenol-Utilizing Bacteria Isolated From Petroleum Refinery Wastewater. Journal of Research in Biology. 2(4): 383-391. URL:www.jresearchbiology.comIS
SN: 2231-6280. e-ISSN: 2231-6299Publishers: Ficus publishers and Bioindica. Country: India - Alisi, C. S., Ojiako, O.A., Anugweje, K., Igwe, C.U., Ujowundu, C.O., and Okwu, G.N. (2012). Antioxidant Content and Free Radical Scaven
ging Activity of Honeys Apismellifera of Obudu Cattle Ranch Origin.International Journal of Biochemistry Research & Review 2 (4): 164-175.URL: ISSN: 2231-086X. Publishers: SCIENCEDOMAIN international. Country: USA, Britain, and - Okwu, G.N., Onyeze, G.O.C., Nwaoguikpe, R.N., Ihejirika, I.N., Iheanacho, K.M.E. and Alisi, C.S. (2012). Incidence of protein-energy malnutrition among pregnant women in Owerri and environs. African Journal of Medical Science. 5(2): 45-51. Editor: Prof. L. Mabelya
- Ene, A.C., Obika, C.J., Okwu, G.N., Alisi, C.S. and Edeh, N.G. (2013). In vivo antimalarial effect of methanol and aqueous extracts of Picralimanitida plant parts. Journal of Research in Biochemistry 1(2): 095-105. URL:http://www.jbiochemistry.
com/documents/BC0019.pdf . ISSN: 2231-6280. e-ISSN: 2231-6299Publishers: Ficus publishers and Bioindica. Country: India - Alisi, C.S. and Chikezie P.C. (2014) Assessment of Air Quality and Erythrocyte Oxidative Stress Indicators of Storekeepers of Laboratory/Industrial Chemicals in Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria. Free Radicals and Antioxidants. 4(1):
sites/default/files/10. ,ISSN: 2231–2536. Publishers: ReedElsevier/Phcog.Net & ScibiolMed.OrgCountry:India5530fra.2014.1.11.pdf - Alisi, P.Nc., Buseri, F.I., Alisi, C.S. (2014). Some Blood Cell Changes and Alteration in Renal and Hepatic Function in Pre-eclampsia: A Study in Owerri Nigeria. International Blood Research & Reviews 2(3): 132-139. URL:http://www.sciencedomain.
org/issue.php?iid=443&id=28 ISSN: 2321–7219. Publishers: SCIENCEDOMAIN international. Country: USA, Britain, and India. - Ujowundu, C. O., Ihekweazu, K. L., Alisi, C. S., Ujowundu, F. N. and Igwe, C. U. (2014). Procarcinogens: Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Heavy Metal Content in Some Locally Processed Foods in South-Eastern Nigeria.British Journal of Applied Science & Technology. 4(1): 249-260. URL:http://www.sciencedomain.
org/issue.php?id=5 ISSN:2231-0843. Publishers: SCIENCEDOMAIN international. Country: USA, Britain, and India. - Alisi, C.S., Asiwe, S.E., Nwoguikpe, R.N., Emejulu, A.A. and Ene, C.E. (2014). Neuroprotective and free radical scavenging potential of some leafy vegetables consumed in south-eastern Nigeria. Annual Research and Review in Biology. 4(22): 3345 – 3358 URL:http://www.sciencedomain.
org/download.php?f= . ISSN:2347-565X. Publishers: SCIENCEDOMAIN international. Country: USA, Britain, and India.Alisi4222014ARRB9666.pdf&aid= 4911 - Emejulu, A.A., Alisi, C.S., Asiwe, S.E., Iheanacho, K.M. and Onwuliri, V.A. (2014). Hypolipidemic effect of Irvingia gabonensis fruits juice on sodium fluoride-induced dyslipidemia in rats. Afr. Journ. Biochem. Res. 8(8): 151-157. URL: DOI: 10.5897/AJBR2014.0782. Article No.F5B409348425. ISSN: 1996-0778. Publishers: Academic Journals. Country: Nigeria, Kenya.
- Ujowundu, C. O., Ogbonna, C.U., Okwu, G.N., and Alisi, C. S. (2015). Free radicals scavenging and neuroprotective effects of ethanolic leaf extract of combretum zenkeri leaf. Annual Research & Review in Biology 6(2): 133-141, URL:http://www.sciencedomain.
org/download.php?f= . ISSN:2347-565X. Publishers: SCIENCEDOMAIN international. Country: USA, Britain, and India.Alisi4222014ARRB9666.pdf&aid= 4911 - Emejulu, A. A, Alisi, C. S., Asiwe, E. S., Nwogu, L A, Igwe, C. U. and Onwuliri, V. A. (2016). Renal and hepatoprotective effect of Irvingia gabonensis juice on sodium fluoride-induced toxicity in Wistar rats. J. Clin. Toxicol. 6:2
2161-0495.S1.015 . The Editor-in-Chief Ken Ichiro Inoue Professor University of Shizuoka Japan. - Ene A.C., Egbosi N.C., Obika C.J., Ibegbulem C.O., Ujowundu C.O. and Alisi C.S. (2016). In vivo Antiplasmodial Activity of Ethanol and Aqueous Extracts of Uvaria.chamae and Phyllantus amarus Plants. FUTOJNLS 2 (2): 83-97. Publisher: Federal University of Technology Owerri. ISSN: e-ISSN:2476-8456 p-ISSN: 2467-8325. Journal Homepage:
- Igwe, C.U., Iheme, C.I., Alisi, C.S., Nwaogu, L.A., Ibegbulem, C.O., and Ene, A.C. (2016). Lipid profile and atherogenic predictor indices of albino rabbits administered coconut water as an antidote to paracetamol overdose. Journal of Coastal Life Medicine 4 (12), 974-979. Publisher: Elsevier. Website:, https: // /10.12980/ jclm.4.2016j6-223
- Ogbonna, C.U., Ujowundu, C.O., Okwu, G.N., Emejulu, A.A., Alisi, C.S., and Igwe, K.O. (2016). Biochemical and histological evaluation of benzo [a] pyrene-induced nephrotoxicity and therapeutic potentials of Combretum zenkeri leaf extract. African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 10 (41): 873-882.
- Obimba, KC., Alisi, C.S., Ozougwu, J.C., Eziuzor, C.S., Obasi, K.U. and Nwufo, K.C. (2016). Microbial, Biochemical and Hematological indices of Antiretroviral (ART) Treatment Naïve Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Seropositive Patients. International Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences 6 (9), 345-355.
- Uche, K.O., Nwachukwu, N.N., Alisi, C. S. and Ibegbulem C.O.(2016). Characterisation of Biodiesel Produced Using Domestic Waste Ash as a Catalyst in the Transesterification Stage. Waste Technology. 4(1): 36-39. Publisher: Waste Resources Research Center (WRRC) University of Diponegoro Semarang Central Java Indonesia.Country: Indonesia. DOI:
wastech.4.1.36-39 . ISSN: 2338-6207 - Ibegbulem, C.O., Alisi, C.S., Nwaogu, L.A., Iheanacho, K.M.E., Peters, G.O. and Oguegbu, I.F.(2016). Effects of Boiling on Concentration Gradients and Equilibrium Potentials of Minerals in Egg-Edible Portions of Free Range Gallus Domesticus. FUTOJNLS. 2(1): 255 – 264. Publisher: Federal University of Technology Owerri. ISSN: e-ISSN:2476-8456 p-ISSN: 2467-8325. Journal Homepage:
- Iheme, C.I., Nwoguikpe, R.N., Alisi, C.S., Nwaogu, L.A., Ujowundu, C.O., Ukairo, D.I. and Orji, C.E. (2016). Effect of Electromagnetic Radiations (EMR) on Some Soil Physicochemical Parameters, Catalase and Dehydrogenase Activity. IOSR Journal of Environmental Sciences, Toxicology and Food Technology. 10(1): 25-34. e-ISSN: 2319-2402, ISSN:
. - Eke, B. C., Jibiri, N.N., Bede, E.N., Anusionwu, B.C., Orji, C.E. and Alisi, C.S. (2017). Effect of ingestion of microwaved foods on serum antioxidant enzymes and vitamins of albino rats. Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences.10: 148-151 Publisher: The Egyptian Society of Radiation Sciences and Applications Host: Elsevier. DOI:
jrras.2017.03.001 Journal Homepage: . - Ujowundu, C. O., Igwe, C. U., Alisi, C. S., Nwaogu, L. A., Ogbuagu, H. D. and Onwuliri, V.A.(2017). Detoxification potentials of an alcoholic bitter on carbon tetrachloride-induced oxidative damage in wistar albino rats. African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 11 (31): 368-376. DOI: 10.5897/AJPP2017.4810. ISSN: 1996-0816. URL: http://wwwacademicjournals.
org/AJPP . Publishers: Academic Journals. Country: Nigeria, Kenya. - Nwanyanwu, C. E., Asiwe, E. S., Alisi, C. S. and Mbachu, A. C. (2017). Toxicity of quarternary mixtures of ciprofloxacin ceftriaxone ampicillin and gentamicin to clinical isolates of escherichia Coli and staphylococcus aureus. FUTOJNLS. 2(1): 255 – 264. Publisher: Federal University of Technology Owerri. ISSN: e-ISSN:2476-8456 p-ISSN: 2467-8325. Journal Homepage:
- Alisi, C. S., Asiwe, E. S., Chukwuemeka, U. V and Osuji, A. C. (2017). Hypoglycemic and Antihyperlipidemic potentials of ethanolic extract of Artemisia vulgaris. Academic staff union of Polytechnics (ASUP) 1st National Conference book of Proceedings, pp 386-393
- Ojiako, A.O., Ujowundu, C.O., Alisi, C.S., Igwe, C.U. and Ogbuji, C.A. (2018) South Eastern Nigerian Seafood Diet Have Desirable Effects on Biochemical Indices of Experimental Rabbits. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition. ISSN 1680-5194 DOI: 10.3923/pjn.2018.
- Alisi, C. S., Asiwe, E. S., Ene, C. A. and Alisi, P.N.(2018). Antioxidant and Free Radical Scavenging Properties of Aqueous Extract of Psidium guajava. FUTOJNLS. 3(2): 161 – 172. Publisher: Federal University of Technology Owerri. ISSN: e-ISSN: 2476-8456 p-ISSN: 2467-8325. Journal Homepage:
- Okorondu, M.M.O., Okorondu, S.I., Alisi, C.S., and Emejulu, A.A. (2019). Ameliorative Effect Of Psidium Guajava Leaf Extract On Paraquat Induced Renal And Reproductive Hormone Toxicity. Scientific Research Journal (SCIRJ), 7(4): 46 – 60. ISSN: 2201-2796.
SCIRJ/v7.i4.2019.P0419633 . - Mba, B. A., Alisi, C. S. and Ene, A. C. (2020) Antioxidant Properties and Protective Effect of Aqueous Anti-Ulcer Drug (AQAUD) against Aspirin-induced Gastric Ulcers in Albino Rats Asian Journal of Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology 3(2): 9-21, ISSN: 2582-3698
- Ekeanyanwu, L.E., Alisi, C.S. and Ekeanyanwu, R.C. (2020). Levels of Aflatoxin M1 and selected heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Cr, Cu, Zn, Fe, As, and Hg) in the breast milk of lactating mothers in South Eastern, Nigeria Food Control 112: 107150. Host: Elsevier. DOI: Journal Homepage:
locate/ - Alisi, C.S. (2013).Preparation of solutions for biochemical experiments. In: Laboratory experiments in Biochemistry (A student manual). Pp 21-28. Ed. Ojiako, O. A. ISBN: 978-978-52056-1-9 Publisher: Futo Press Ltd. Country: Nigeria.
- Alisi, C.S. (2013).Determination of antimicrobial properties of extracts by assay of dehydrogenase activity. In: Laboratory experiments in Biochemistry (A student manual). Pp 166-170. Ed. Ojiako, O. A. ISBN: 978-978-52056-1-9Publisher: Futo Press Ltd. Country: Nigeria.
- Alisi, C.S. (2013).Spectrophotometry. In: Laboratory experiments in Biochemistry (A student manual). Pp 244-255. Ed. Ojiako, O. A.ISBN: 978-978-52056-1-9 Publisher: Futo Press Ltd. Country: Nigeria.
- Alisi, C.S. and Alisi, P.Nc. (2014). Investigating Enzyme Abnormalities in haemolytic anaemias. In: Introductory Experiments in Biochemistry. Pp 339-347. Ed. Ojiako, O. A. ISBN: 978-978-52056-1-2 Publisher: Futo Press Ltd. Country: Nigeria.
- Alisi, C.S. and Nweke, C.O. (2014). Determination of Enzyme markers of environmental pollution: Assay of α-glucosidase and β-galactosidase biosynthesis. In: Introductory Experiments in Biochemistry. Pp 417-425. Ed. Ojiako, O. A. ISBN: 978-978-52056-1-2 Publisher: Futo Press Ltd. Country: Nigeria.