Dr. Omesi Israel

Dr. Omesi Israel is a senior Lecturer. 


Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) Accountancy                                                 

Master of Science in Accounting (M.Sc)                                                                     

Master of Business Administration (MBA) Accountancy                           

B.Sc (Ed) Accountancy                                                                             

WASC / GCE                                                                                           


Associate Member, Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria (CITN)

Fellow, Association of Management and Social Science Researchers of Nigeria

Member, Association of National Accountants of Nigeria (ANAN).

Member, The Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Nigeria (ICPAN).

Member, Chartered Institute of Forensic and Investigative Professionals of Nigeria (CIFIPN).

Member, Chartered Institute of Financial and Investigative Analyst, Nigeria (CIFIAN).

Member, Nigerian Accounting Association (NAA).

Member, The Academy of Management Nigeria (TAMN).

Member, International Research and Development Institute Nigeria.


University Based Responsibilities

Former Head of Department: Department of Accounting                          

Head of Department: Department of Accounting                                     

Member: Faculty of Business Studies Programme Review Committee      

Member: Senate Representative for Faculty of Business Studies              

Member: Senate Business Committee                                                     

Member: Faculty of Business Studies Board of Studies                                      

Member: Faculty of Business Studies Post Graduate Studies Board          

Member: Department of Accounting Post Graduate Studies Board           


ACC 911-     History and Philosophy of Accounting Thought          (PhD Class)

ACC 917-     Contemporary Issues in Accounting (PhD Class)

ACC 823-     Tax and Tax Management (MSc Class)

ACC 721-     Taxation (PGD Class)

ACC 625-     Principles of Accounting (UG Class)

ACC 413-     Tax and Tax Management (UG Class)

ACC 423-     Project Supervision (UG Class)

ACC 321-     Cost Accounting II (UG Class)

ACC 214-     Business Finance (UG Class)

ACC 325-     Business Seminar Supervision (UG Class)

BIT 326-       SIWES Supervision (UG Class)



  1. a) Omesi, I.&Okoh, L. (2009). Entrepreneurship as a veritable tool for sustainable economic development in Nigeria: A survey of selected entrepreneurs in Warri,                    Delta state (unpublished article).
  2. b) Omesi, I.&Gbalam, P. E. (2009). Contract procedures and practices in a democratic dispensation:  The Nigerian experience (unpublished article).
  3. c) Omesi, I. (2009). Contributions of value added tax (VAT) to Nigeria’s economic development (An MSc unpublished thesis).
  4. d) Omesi, I. (2016). Effects of tax reforms on economic development of Nigeria (1994- 2014); An unpublished Ph.D dissertation.


  1. Omesi, I. (2007). Analysis of financial statement and management decision making: A Nigerian study.  West African Journal of Business, 9(2), 210-225 (RSU, P.H).
  2. Omesi, I. (2010). Residency: The basis for taxation in Nigeria. The University                         Advanced Research Journal, 1,99-108.
  3. Omesi, I.&Akpotu, C. (2010). Impact of trade debts management of firms profitability and liquidity: A Nigerian study.  West African Journal of Business,  12(1), 12-24. (RSU, P.H)
  4. Andabai, P.W; Eke, G.J. &Omesi, I. (2010). Bank consolidation and the performance of Nigerian economy: An empirical analysis between 2004-2005.  International          Journal of Economic and Development, 9(1&2),1-9.
  5. Okere, L;Chukwu, G.C. &Omesi, I. (2010). The significant of knowledge    management for sustainable organizational effectiveness and performance in Nigeria; NigerianJournal of Education, Planning and Finance, 4(2).89-79.
  6. Omesi, I. (2013). Forensic accounting profession and the Nigerian economy.  The        Business Master Journal of the Faculty of Business Studies, (IAUE),     2(1&2),        52-362.

7..      Okere, L;Omesi, I.&Teerah, L. (2013).  Budgetary control and management information systems: key instruments for effective planning and decision making in Nigerian organization.  African Business and Finance Journal for          African Universities, 6(1), 125-139.

  1. Christopher, A &Omesi, I. (2013). External auditors’ unethical behaviour and     corporate business failure in public owned organizations in Nigeria.        International Journal of Business and Management Invention, 2(4), 12-18.
  2. Omesi, I. (2013). Entrepreneurial education in Nigeria: Problems and the way forward. The Business Master Journal of the Faculty of Business Studies, 3(1),          41-49. IAUE, Rumuolumeni, Port Harcourt.
  3. Omesi, I. (2014). An appraisal of the contribution of value added tax to Nigerian       economic development (1998-2012).  International Journal of Management       and Accounting Sciences, 1(1), 37-49. Published by Business Research Zimbabwe for international scholars, Southern Harare.
  4. Omesi, I. (2014). Entrepreneurial education and human resource development as strategic options for sustainable development: A study of Rivers State.  Journal     of Business and Dynamics for Development, 2, 21-36. Published by university         of Limpopo, Faculty of Management and Law, SouthAfrica.
  5. Omesi, I. (2014). Tax implications for mergers and acquisitions.   West African         Journal of Business and Management Sciences, 3(2A), 226-235.  Faculty of       Business Administration, Imo State University, Owerri: Nigeria.
  6. Omesi, I.&Nzor, N.P. (2014). Consolidation through mergers and acquisitions and      the performance of Nigerian banking industry: Need for review. Reiko    International Journal of Business and Finance. 7(1A), 111-121. Published by      Reiko Centre for Academic Research and Development, Maryland USA.        Affiliate of Atlantic International University, Honolulu, USA.
  7. Omesi, I.&Teerah, L.E. (2014). Nigerian tax system and administration: Implications of multiple taxation on the economy. European Journal of Business and           Management, 6(37), 237-243.
  8. Omesi, I.&Anucha, V.C. (2014). Mergers and acquisitions as survival strategies for the Nigerian banking industry.  International Journal of Innovation in       Management Science, 6(1),27-34.
  9. Omesi, I. (2015). Tax reforms in Nigeria: Case for value added tax (VAT).  An   International Multi-Disciplinary Journal, 9(4), 39; 221-235: Bahir Dar:    Ethiopia. African Research Review.
  10. Omesi, I.&Kurkrubo, S. S. (2015). Impact of personal income tax on tax revenue in     Nigeria. A study of Rivers State Internal Revenue Service.  ESUT Journal of     Accountancy,6(2),174-183: Faculty of Management Sciences, Enugu State       University of Science and Technology, Enugu.
  11. Omesi, I.&Worlu, C.N. (2015). Tax implication for digitized products (e-commerce) in Nigeria International Journal of Management and Accounting Sciences,         2(1),8-27. Published by Business Research Zimbabwe for International          Scholars,Southern Harare.
  12. Omesi, I.&Abolo, A.P (2015). Tax implications for electronic commerce in Nigeria.   International Journal of Management and Accounting Sciences, 2(1), 42-57.        Published by Business Research Zimbabwe for International Scholars,  Southern Harare.
  13. Omesi, I.&Nwanaka, C. (2016). Multinational transfer pricing and taxation in Nigeria.  ESUT Journal of Accountancy, 7(2),183-197. Faculty of Management     Sciences, Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Enugu.
  14. Omesi, I.&Wokeh, P.I. (2016). An empirical analysis of effect of multinational           transfer pricing on taxation in Nigeria.ESUT Journal of Accountancy, 7(1), 38-  45.  Faculty of Management Sciences,Enugu State University of Science and   Technology. Enugu.
  15. Omesi, I.&Nzor, N. P. (2016). Tax reforms in Nigeria: Case against tax incentives. International Journal of Arts and Humanities, 5(1), 138-150.  Bahir Dar:      Ethiopia. Published by International Association of African Researchers and    Reviewers.
  16. Omesi, I.&Nwanaka, C.R. (2017). An appraisal of the contributions of Nigerian       stock exchange on Nigeria’s economic development (2005-2015).           International Journal of Innovations in Management Sciences and Information Technology, 6(1), 7-12. Published by Pan-African Academic Journals.  Affiliate    of Kwame Nkrumah’s University of Science and Technology, Kumasi-Ashanti,      Ghana.
  17. Omesi, I.&Okpolosa, M.O. (2017). Effect of tax morale on tax compliance: A study         of Rivers State Internal Revenue Service.  International Journal of Social,   Policy, Management and Administration, 5(2), 123-129. Published by Spencer  Academic Publications in Association with Kwame Nkrumah’s University of           Science and Technology, Kumasi-Ashanti, Ghana.
  18. Ordu, P.A. &Omesi, I. (2017). Effect of tax avoidance on the financial performance of quoted manufacturing firms in Nigeria. Research Journal of Financial Sustainability Reporting, 2(1), 197-207. A Publication of Department of         Accountancy, Faculty of Management Sciences, Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Enugu, Nigeria.
  19. Omesi, I.&Teerah, L. E. (2017). Performance auditing and corruption in public           sector accountability in Nigeria: A study of Rivers State, Nigeria.  International       Journal of Management Sciences and Humanities Innovations, 5(1), 67-72.     Published by Centre for Advanced Research and Strategies Studies.  Affiliate of       Kwame Nkrumah’s University of Science and Technology, Kumasi-Ashanti,           Ghana.
  20. Okoye, E.I. &Omesi, I. (2017). Effect of tax reforms on the economic development           of Nigeria (1994-2014). Research Journal of Financial Sustainability     Reporting, 2(2), 156-163.A Publication of Department of Accountancy,       Faculty of Management Sciences, Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Enugu, Nigeria.
  21. Omesi, I.&Okpolosa, M.O. (2018). Effect of financial development on Nigeria’s      economic growth (1981-2015).  Federal University WukariJournal of    Economics, Management and Social Sciences, 4(2), 55-64.
  22. Chukwu, A.N. &Omesi, I. (2018). Working capital management and firm    performance of manufacturing firms listed on the Nigerian stock exchange.     Federal University OtuokeQuarterly Journal of Contemporary Research,   6(3), 143-149.
  23. Omesi, I.&Wokeh, P.I. (2018). Foreign direct investment interactions with Nigerian          economy.  Abstra International Journal of Economic and Finance, 7(1), 74-82. Beulah Heights University Atlanta USA.
  24. Omesi, I.&Pyagbara, T.B. (2018). Corporate brand and firm performance of deposit money banks in Nigeria.  Abstra International Journal of Management and    Business. 7(2), 103-118.  Beulah Heights University Atlanta USA.
  25. Omesi, I.&Okpolosa, M. O. (2018). Creative accounting and shareholders wealth maximization (A study of quoted manufacturing companies in Nigeria).    Journal of Business Economy, 10(2),34-46.  Published by Department of        Accounting, Faculty of Management Sciences, University of Port Harcourt,   Choba.
  26. Omesi, I.&Orgaluzor, O. I. (2018). Corporate social responsibility accounting and the effect of capacity building profitability of oil and gas companies in Nigeria. International Journal of Research in Finance and Marketing, 8(11), 16-38.       Available  athttp://euroasiapub.org.
  27. Omesi, I.& Edom, G.O. (2019). Capital structure and corporate performance of        Lafarge Africa plc. Federal University WukariJournal of Economic,       Management and Social Sciences, 5(1), 82-94.
  28. Omesi, I.Chukwu, A.N. &Chukwu, G. J. (2019). Investments in tangible assets and     performance of breweries in Nigeria. Meta-Analysis.Journal of Finance and Economic Development, 8(1), 70-78. Published by Kede University, United    Kingdom (UK).
  29. Omesi, I.& Edom, G.O. (2019). Working capital management and corporate      performance of Nigerian breweries plc. Federal University OtuokeQuarterly     Journal of Contemporary Research,7(1), 140-149.
  30. Worlu, C.N;Omesi, I.&Chinenye, I. (2019). Audit firms’ size and quality of audit         opinions in Rivers State federal university. Federal University Wukari Journal of Economics,Management and Social Sciences, 5(2),113-135.
  31. Omesi, I;Egbuhuzor, C.A. &Okeke, N.M(2019). Information communication technology (ICT) in accounting education:  The Nigeria experience. Federal         University Otuoke QuarterlyJournalof Contemporary Research, 6(4),293-301.
  32. Womenazu, H.S; Worlu, C.N &Omesi, I. (2019). Effect of technological innovation    on deposit money banks performance in Nigeria.  Journal of Management       Sciences, 3(1),175-191.  A Publication of the Faculty of Management Sciences, University of Port Harcourt, Choba, Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
  33. Omesi, I.&Womenazu, H. S. (2019). Oil tax policy and, oil and gas financial       performance of selected quoted oil and gas firms in Nigeria.  Federal        University Otuoke Quarterly Journal of Contemporary Research,7(2),1-1-10.
  34. Eberien, G.I. &Omesi, I. (2019). Effect of board characteristics on the value relevance of segment earnings.  The International Journal of Business and           Management, 7(5), 125-133. Available at w.w.w.theijbon.com.

  35. Orgaluzor, O. I &Omesi, I. (2019). Ownership structure and financial performance of listed consumer goods manufacturing companies in Nigeria. Journal of Accounting Information and Innovation, 5(1),13-26. Available at www.ordonline/JAII.
  1. Omesi, I.&Ihenyen, C. J. (2020). Value added tax: A pre and post analysis. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 1(3), 9-18.
  2. Omesi, I.&Appah, E. (2021). Corporate tax planning and firm performance in Nigeria. IOSR Journal of Business and management,23(2), 42-51.
  3. Omesi, I.&Appah, E. (2021). Asset impairment and corporate performance of listed oil and gas companies in Nigeria. Journal of Accounting Research,7(4), 417-430.
  4. Omesi, I. &Irisonanga, N. (2012). Budget planning and performance of ministries, departments and agencies in Rivers state. Journal of Accounting Research,7(4), 274 -290.


  1. Okereke-Okachi, C. G.; Nwambo, D. G. &Omesi, I. (2010. Socio-cultural factors and need for women emancipation for sustainable development in Nigeria.   Book of Abstract andProceedings of International Institute for Empirical       Research and Sustainable Development, 64-71.
  2. Okere, L, Anucha, V.C. &Omesi, I. (2011). Critical evaluation of manpower training and development as behavioural change agents in Nigeria work organizations.        Proceedings of International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities,         1(6),   32-39.
  3. Omesi, I.&Amadi, R. W. (2011). The effectiveness of accounting system in the            public sector: Throughgenerating a universal system in the third countries.        Proceedings of International Conference on Research and Development,5(1), 130-136.
  4. Okere, L, Anucha, V.C. &Omesi, I. (2011). The use of management techniques in          public administration in Nigeria.  Proceedings of International Conference on        Social Sciences and Humanities, 1(6), 77-86.
  5. Okere, L., Anucha, V. &Omesi, I. (2011). The adoption of Nigeria competency based human resource management in Nigeria work organization for employee high performance. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on        Research and Development, 4(10),1-6.
  6. Okere, L. Anucha, V.C. & Omesi, I. (2011).Critical analysis of managerial performance appraisal and career strategy.  Proceedings of the Sixth       International Conference on Development Studies, 6(4), 55-62.
  7. Omesi, I. (2013). Effect of financial leverage on the performance of firms in the cement industry in Nigeria: A study of Dangote cement company Ltd. (2009- 2013).  Proceedings of the International Conference on Research and          Development, 12(1),48-59.
  8. Omesi, I.&Ordu, P.A. (2018). Leader, Unity, Security and National Development.         A critical analysis of the Nigeria situation.  Proceedings of the 12th Annual    Conference of the Academy of Management Nigeria, 290-300.
  9. Omesi, I; Ordu, P.A. &Chukwu G.J. (2019). Accountability and Nation Building: A   Survey of Public Enterprises in Rivers State, Nigeria, Proceedings of the 13th         Annual Conference of the Academy of Management Nigeria, 1027-1041.



  1. Third annual faculty conference titled business education and sustainable development in Nigeria: issues and challenges, July 28th – 29th 2010, at St. John’s campus Diobu, Port Harcourt.

2,       International conference on culture, science and sustainable development titled enhancing sustainable development of the third world, through interdisciplinary research, held on April 4th – 7th, 2011 at the conference auditorium, hotel Dona, Port Novo, Republic of Benin.

  1. International conference on development studies titled millennium development goals; A challenge for today’s intellectuals, held on February 1st – 4th, 2011 at the Arts theatre complex auditorium, Benue state university, Makurdi, Nigeria.
  2. Fourth annual faculty conference titled entrepreneurial education, capacity building and sustainable development in Nigeria, October 17th – 20th 2012 at St. John’s campus Diobu, Port Harcourt.
  3. International conference on culture, science and sustainable development: Issues, trends and practices in the third world, held on November 11th – 14th, 2013 at the conference hall, British council Accra, Ghana.
  4. First faculty colloquium titled novelties in research methodology held at the conference hall of Ignatius Ajuru university of education St. John’s campus, Diobu, Port Harcourt from July 9th – 11th 2014.
  5. International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) national workship for accounting lecturers held at the main auditorium of National universities commission Abuja from May 12th -14th 2014.
  6. The ninth (9th) national conference of the Academy of Management for sustainable development, held on 29th – 30th of July, 2015 at university of Benin, Benin city, Nigeria.
  7. The twelveth(12th) national conference of the Academy of Management Nigeria. Titled leadership, security and national development held at Nile university of Nigeria Abuja from the 24th – 25th October, 2018.
  8. Nigeria Accounting Association (NAA) annual general meeting, conference and fellowship awards 2018, “entitled accounting education, research and sustainable development held at the Ignatius Ajuru university of education, Port Harcourt auditorium, from the 3rd – 4th December 2018”.
