Dr. Constance Izuchukwu Amannah

Dr. Constance Izuchukwu Amannah
Constance Izuchukwu Amannah is a senior lecturer-cum-researcher in the Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Rivers State, Nigeria with eighteen years cognate academic experience. He holds Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.), Master of Science (M.Sc.), and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degrees in Computer Science with distinguished specialty in Numerical Methods, Algorithms, Software Engineering and Signal processing. He also has Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE).He is currently the Head of Department. Within the Department he had also served as Chairman, Graduate Committee, Coordinator, Community Service, Secretary, Postgraduate Curriculum Committee, Secretary, Inter Departmental NUC Mock Accreditation Committee, Seminal Coordinator, and Chairman Departmental Handbook Committee. Also in the Faculty, he had served as a member of Journal Committee, Examination Malpractice Committee. He enjoys the privilege as resource person for CPN in their membership executive programmme and in their CPE panel. He currently serves as editor in Advances in Research Journal and Chief Guest Editor (CGE), Journal Science of Circuits & Signal Processing (JSCSP), SciencePG, USA.
He is a Fellow of Scholars Academic and Scientific Society (FSASS); an International Society for Academic & Scientific Integration, Member; Nigeria Computer Society (MNCS), Computer Professionals [Registration Council] of Nigeria (MCPN), International Research and Development Institute (MIRDI), Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (MSIAM), British Computer Society (MBCS), Free Software Foundation (MFSF), Africa ICT Alliance (MAFICTA), Indian Research Scholars (MIRS), India PhD Network (MIPN), IEEE Nanotechnology (MNT), Fellowship, Grants, Scholarships: DoIpages (MFGS:DoIpages), Journal Indexed (MJI), Computer Vision (MCV), Web of Science (MWoS), Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (MSIAM), and of course of Academic Staff Union of Nigerian Universities (MASUU).
His academic hobby is to create imagination through thinking and abstract reasoning to achieve computational models synthesized by well-structured computer programs. He is both numerical and programming expert with passion for learning and teaching. He is a constructive writer with over sixty scholarly journal articles and fifteen books and several other contributions to publications such as chapters in books in his area of specialty.
Dr. Constance Izuchukwu Amannah is married with children.