The Faculty of Social Sciences/Geography
HOD Profile
Past HOD
Staff Profile
Admission Requirements
Mission Vision and philosophy of the Programme in Geography and Environmental Studies.
Mission: The mission of the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies is to explore ways in which place, space, and landscape are involved in the operation and outcome of social and biophysical processes. The mission of the Department is to stimulate and promote excellence in geographic scholarship through: Dedication to the conduct research, commitment to undergraduate students to provide a learning environment that fosters knowledge, skills and experiences that prepare them for life in an ever-changing world and challenge them to become informed global citizens and leaders; service to the community by disseminating geographic knowledge and by providing geographic insights on important societal issues.
Vision: The Department’s vision has been that of producing graduates that have thorough understanding of geographical Phenomena in space, and as well as environmental challenges of their local environment, the country and the world as a whole. We have pursued vigorously the course of action through enhanced teaching standards at globally acceptable levels in order to make them relevant in helping to resolve some of these challenges on earth. It is thus, our vision to provide talented interdisciplinary, geographical thinkers, who find innovative solutions to the interrelated environmental, social and technological challenges facing our planet in the 21st century.
Philosophy, Aim and Objectives of the programme
- The Philosophy underlying the. B.Sc and Environmental Studies degree programme is to produce a crop of graduates in geography and environmental studies that are well equipped with appropriate skills and knowledge to make effective contributions towards the development of Nigeria, Africa and the world at large having being exposed to a wide range of foundational knowledge in the social sciences in general and in the various aspect of the field of geography and allied environmental sciences in particular.
Aim and Objectives
The fundamental of the programme is to produce sound graduates who will contribute their quota to national and global development.
- To instill in students a sound knowledge of Geography as to effectively teach geography and all processes of the human environment, an appreciation of its application in different socio-cultural contexts and to involve the students in an intellectually stimulating and satisfying experience of learning and studying.
- To provide students with broad and well balanced knowledge of geographical and environmental theories arid methods
- To inculcate into students, the ability to apply their geographical knowledge and skills to finding solutions of societal problems in Nigeria and elsewhere.<strong>Aim</strong>
- To provide students with relevance knowledge and skill from which they can proceed to further studies in special areas of Geography or multi-disciplinary areas involving in Geography.
- To instill in students an appreciation of the importance of Geography in spatial and environmental contexts.
- To develop in students a range of useful competencies in public, private or self-employment
- To develop observational and analytical skills that will enable the student contribute meaningfully to solve problems arising from man-environment relationship.
- Compatibility of programme with institutional mission.
- Relevance to National manpower needs.
- Sources and availability of staff for the programme (evidence attached).
The Bachelor of Science Education (B.Sc. Ed) Programmes in Geographical and Environmental Studies is compatible to the University’s mission because it creates avenue for the sustenance of the teaching and practice of geography and environmental studies as a profession through teaching, practice and research.
- The rationale and justification behind the introduction/establishment of the B.Sc.Ed programme is to raise and equip professional Geographers and Environmental Practitioners who will help change the cause of development in Nigeria
- Also to raise Practitioners in the field of Geography and Environmental Studies who will explore and adopt new theories, skills and techniques as well as the use of modern equipments and instruments in the search for/collection and management of geo-spatial data needed to make logical inferences and decisions.
- To work towards the achievement of national needs and goals.
HOD Profile

Dr Ikechi Okwakpam
Contact: Email: Not available
Rank: Not available
Academic associations:
Not available
Qualifications: Not available
Past HOD
Past HOD’s
U.D. Agumagu | 2007 -2011 |
Dr. H.B. Oku | 2011 – 2016 |
Dr. D.R.T Ukpene | 2016 – 2018 |
Dr. G.N. Naluba | 2018 – 2022 |
Dr. I.O. Okwakpam | 2022 – Present |
Staff Profile
Staff Profile
Name | Area of Specialization | Qualification | Discipline | Rank |
Charles Ozule Oteh | Transport Geography | M.Sc | Geography | Lecturer II |
Naluba, Nwiekpigi Goddy | Geography and Environmental Management (Regional Development Planning) | PhD | Geography | Senior Lecturer |
Nwiekpugi, Bright Poronakie | Geo. & Envi. Management | PhD | Geography | Senior Lecturer. |
Emenike Ndamele ThankGod | Geography and Environmental Management | B.Sc | Geography and Environmental Management | Non-Teaching Staff |
Williams Excellence Chinyere | Geography and Environmental Management | B.Sc | Geography and Environmental Management | Non-Teaching Staff |
Marshal Adum | Economics | B.Sc | Economics | Non-Teaching Staff |
Ogan Sample Sonny | Geography and Regional planning | M.Sc | Geography | Lecturer I |
Wichendu Silverline Nwaobiaraeri | Geography | PhD | Geography | Lecturer |
Wosu Benson Ikechi | Regional Development Planning | PhD | Geography | Lecturer I |
Ojule, Emmanuel Soldier Concorde | Geography and Environmental Management, Climatology | PhD | Geography | Lecturer II |
Dennis Reuben Tobins Ukpere | Rural Development & Resources Mgt | PhD | Geography | Lecturer |
Admission Requirements
UTME Subjects:English Language, and any three other subjects cutting across the Applied/Natural/Physical Sciences and the Social Sciences:
Geography/Economics/Govt./CivicEducation/Maths/Chemistry/Biology/Physics/ Agric Sc/Tech Drawing.
Direct Entry Requirements UTME:A ‘Level or holders of ND/OND & NCE will be admitted into year two (2).The A ‘Level/ND/OND/NCE/ must be in Geography or Urban &Regional Planning, Estate Mgt., Architecture, Envt’l Mgt., Survey, Geology
UTME Requirement :Holders of WASSC/NECO/GCE or its equivalent with Five (5) O’Level subjects (Credit pass) in one (1) sitting OR Six (6) O’Level subjects in two (2) sittings. The5 or 6 subjects include:
English Language, Mathematics, AND 3 of either Economics, Social Studies, Govt./Civic Education OR Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Agric. Sc, Technical Drawing.
Geography and Environmental Studies
Offers Bachelor of Science(B.Sc) Degree in Geography and Environmental Studies
Geography and Environmental Studies
Offers Bachelor of Science Education(B.Sc.ED) Degree in Geography and Environmental Studies